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From OuroDev
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== Server Setup ==
== Server Setup ==
=== Download Files ===
=== Download Files ===
* [magnet:?xt=urn:btih:938C769EC2BEEE7C7F381570B93A861A60BD4FE5&dn=i25Binaries_InsurancePolicy.7z& i25 Binaries Torrent]
* [[i25 Downloads]]
* [ SQL Express Edition]
* [ SQL Management Studio]
=== Online Tools ===
* [[i25 Online Tools]]

=== Setup Local Server ===
=== Setup Local Server ===
* Install SQL Server 2017 Express Edition
* [[I25 Server Setup]]
* Choose Basic when installing and when given the option choose to install SSMS.
* Open up wherever you extracted the i25 Binaries folder and navigate to data\server\db
== Setup Auth Server ==
* Open up chat_server.cfg and account_server.cfg
* [[I25_Server_Setup#Setup_Auth_Server]]
; You will see something like this.
: SqlLogin "DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=NS319069\SCORE;Uid=sa;Pwd=FinallyFree!;"
== Setup Auction Server ==
; Change this to
* [[I25_Server_Setup#Setup_Auction_Server]]
: SqlLogin "DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Uid=sa;Pwd=password;" 
* You can change the password to whatever you would like. For this example I will be just using password.
== Setup using Virtual Server Image ==
* Now open up server.cfg and change all the ips to localhost (Note : You could also set these to your local ip if you know it.)
* [[i25 Community Virtual Machine]]
; At the top of the file you will see this.The IP will be set to whatever you previous set it to.
: DBServer 18717
== Port Forwards ==
: ShardName Bree
* [[I25_Server_Setup#Port_Forwards]]
: AuthServer 2104
: DefaultAccessLevel 0
: NoStats 1
* Change the ShardName to whatever you would like and add 2 slashes infront of AuthServer. And add UseFakeAuth 1 under NoStats 1       
; It should now look like this
: DBServer localhost 18717
: ShardName ShardName
: //AuthServer 2104
: DefaultAccessLevel 0
: NoStats 1
: UseFakeAuth 1
* Okay now extract the dbschema.rar found in your i25 folder. We will be using these later.
* Open up SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS which you installed in the first step). Your one will look slightly different and hit Connect.

== Common Issues ==
== Common Questions ==
=== Issue One ===
* [[I25 FAQ]]

Latest revision as of 23:25, 25 April 2019