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Latest revision as of 11:02, 6 February 2020

A new annual event that would either be a recreation of the Sunset Vigils that occurred on November 30, 2012, or a tribute to them.


The tribute could start as an "/em Torch" gathering followed by a pathed procession to either a portal to a memorial zone, or an in game monument to those who were left behind by the 6 year gap. A Rough discussion was made about there being a memorial garden on red side and one on blue side, or a new joint zone similar to Pocket D.

Neutral Aspects

Sunset Vigil

Starting at 12am PST on November 30th, have either a set group of NPCs, or if we get the Doppelganger Effect of NPC alts have them spawn from doorways and move a Gathering Spot and raise their torches high. (be sure not to block any doors) then either one of two options that would feel poetic.

  1. At a designated time that would match up with in game day/night cycle have the zone sky shift to a ruddy sunset and have either:
    • a mass fade out as if all of the characters logged off at the same instant, mimicking what might have been seen if there was a silent observer watching as everyone else got forcefully disconnected.
    • a mass 'Death' animation as all the NPCs fall prone and lay there for a set time before getting up and leaving.
  2. Have the City Zone be a ruddy sunset for 24 hours from 12am November 30, to 11:59:59pm November 30th and every Hour, on the Hour have a Procession of NPCs from a Gathering spot to either a new zone line/portal or a redesigned section of the city that is a Memorial to the end of Volume 1 on November 30, 2012.

Verbiage for a Speech

Rough notes:
We have come together today to stand in honor of those who gone before.  Seven years ago, the collective light of this world was nearly snuffed out.  Today we stand in solidarity of that Sunset.  We stand in remembrance of the torchlight vigil that marked the end of an era.  For most of us, it was a tale left unfinished, a day we mourned the end of something amazing and irreplaceable in our hearts.  Bonds were severed.  It was an emotional day for a great many of us.  We felt that our world had gone up in smoke, never to be recovered from the devastation that followed.
This past year, the world at large learned that there were embers left after the world had been scorched.  Some had sought to keep the ember safe by hiding it away and keeping that tiny spark alive, in hopes that keeping it hidden from the world would keep it safe from the forces that would seek to snuff out any trace that was left of our home.
That silence was broken. 
In a brief period of time, our world went through a major upheaval as our world of heroes thought that our world was coming to an end once more. Just about seven days and seven months ago, a few scant days before a celebration honoring the founding of this, our fair City, the world changed.  While everyone agreed that the world should be kept safe once more, some felt that keeping that ember secret kept it safe, while others felt that the ember needed to be used to start a new fire, one that would blaze in defiance of fate, that would allow our city, our home, to rise from the ashes of that bitter defeat. 

If you are here, and can hear me today, then you know of those who banded together and focused their gifts and abilities to give everyone the power to rebuild this world of heroes.  They sought not to hide the light of our world under a bushel basket, but seek to let it shine, refracted throughout space and time.  We will not let this ember die out.  We keep it safe, and share it so that it may grow into a new beacon of hope, a new light for the future.   
Today, the stars have aligned to allow us to celebrate a new day dawning over Paragon once more.

Verbiage for Monument - Inspired/borrowed from clowd

Quoted text portion is word for word borrowed from clowd

Remembering the day that "time stood still.  A calamity for some, but a bizzare suspension of the world for The Menders of Ouroboros.  With patience and precision, they undid the time freeze.  However, it was clear, from that moment on the timeline has diverged in infinite directions.  What has been started is but one timeline, one new multiverse, from a single moment where everything was frozen, and the universe doomed to dust."

New Temp Power / New NPC Animation

A new "toggle" based on the walk toggle that allows for carrying a torch would make this even more special, it could keep the same toggle kill as the walk toggle currently has. It would keep the idea of even Speedsters slowdown to respect a solemn occasion. Even those that would normally hover everywhere step down and actually walk the path in solidarity with those who cannot hover.

There is a "torchwalk" animation in the server files, not 100% happy about how it looked, but it's at least a placeholder until we get the ability to add/create/ build custom animations, we just need to tie them into walk and get it loaded into game as a temp power (during mission) and a permanently awarded version of the temp power tied to a badge. Further details are on Vigil/Walk_Torch page.

New Badge

An "In Memoriam" badge for being there for the vigil, or logging in the day of, no need for a count up for years passing, in my opinion.

Hero Specific Details

95% of the Sunset Vigils that happened on the day of that I have read about were Held in Atlas Park, with some individuals choosing to spend their last moments in pivotal or cherished places in game.

The Blue Side Vigil would be most iconic on the steps of City Hall or underneath the Atlas Statue. An interesting Idea for a tribute would be to have Major NPCs that have died in the course of various story lines there as ghosts, if not wanting to give out spoilers, they could be standing/hovering above City Hall, or something.

Villain Specific Details

It was a lot harder to track down a Villain gathering spot as one would guess Villains aren't the type to gather for sappy stuff, but Mercy Island would be the Equivalent Zone.

Praetorian Specific Details

If it was hard to track down a Villain gathering spot, it is near impossible to find one for Praetoria, so the Praetorian Starting Zone would be the the most appropriate analogue, if we wanted to go all inclusive.