How It Fits Together
From OuroDev
An attempt to explain the purpose of each part, and how they all fit together.
Based on the source directories, it seems like a full CoX system (that is, all servers, and the game client) is made up of these items:
- accountserver
- arenaserver
- auctionserver
- authserver
- chatserver - chatadmin, chatclient
- cmdrelay
- dbserver
- game
- launcher - Launch (and update) the game client.
- mapserver
- missionserver
- queueserver
- raidserver
- statserver
- turnstileserver
Note: I'm probably slightly off, and will update this as I investigate further. Feel free to correct any lies in here!
Player's POV
From the player's point of view:
- Run Launcher. This is being replaced by things like Cream Soda.
- Launcher runs Game Client.
- Game Client connects to Auth Server, receives auth token of some sort.
- Game Client connects to DB Server, which is the actual "Shard".
The Game Client also connects directly to ????TODO??? during play.
Server's POV
??? TODO ???