Archive:Account Portal
Account Portal
A PHP application to allow users to create their own accounts and change their passwords. It's the source code for my implementation on my private server
1. Install XAMPP for Windows ( You only need the Apache module, unless you're doing other stuff with your server too.
2. Install the Microsoft PHP drivers for SQL Server ( If you installed XAMPP into the default location, then the place you want to unpack the PHP drivers is C:\xampp\php\ext
3. Modify your C:\xampp\php.ini, add the following lines to your Dynamic Extensions section. XAMPP PHP is version 7.3, thread-safe. Example: extension=php_sqlsrv_73_ts_x64 extension=php_pdo_sqlsrv_73_ts_x64
4. I recommend you also set up HTTPS on your Apache server, I used Win-Acme ( The instructions for Apache is
Have fun :)