
From OuroDev

servers.cfg is the main configuration file for the dbserver. Other components load the file as well, including the launcher, arenaserver, raidserver, and statserver.

The directives in the file are used to populate the global ServerCfg configuration. Directive names are also case-insensitive. Lines with a leading # are ignored.

Configuration directives

DBServer <ip>

The IP address of the dbserver. This is used by other components to determine where to connect. Can this be a domain?

DBServer<n> <ip>

Auxiliary dbservers. Launchers can connect to multiple dbservers; more servers are specified as DBServer2, DBServer3, etc.

UseFakeAuth <0/1>

Enable fake auth. This lets clients log in directly to the dbserver (with any account) instead of going via an authserver.

AuthServer <ip> <port>

The IP address and port to use when connecting to the authserver.

LocalIp <ips...>

Local IP addresses. If an address matches the top two octets of any address specified here, the dbserver considers it local. What is this actually for?

SqlDbProvider <prov>

The SQL database type. The supported configurations are mssql and postgresql, but only MSSQL is properly tested on proper i24.

SqlDbName <db>

The name of the dbserver database. Most common name is cohdb.

SqlLogin "<connstring>"

The connection string for the database connection. Example:

"DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Uid=sa;Pwd=YourL33TPASS!;"

SqlInit "<query>"

An SQL query to initialize the dbserver database for the first time. If SqlDbName is cohdb, this could be:


SqlAllowDDL <1/0>

Enable or disable the use of DDL for manipulating the database. This is the master switch for all of the related SQL directives. DDL must be enabled in order to perform many operations for altering the database schema. If a required DDL command is not allowed, the server will exit.

SqlAllowAllDDL <1/0>

Same as SqlAllowDDL.

SqlAddAttributes <1/0>

Allow the SqlAddAttributes DDL command.

SqlAddColumnOrTable <1/0>

Allow the SqlAddColumnOrTable DDL command.

SqlDeleteColumnOrTable <1/0>

Allow the SqlDeleteColumnOrTable DDL command.

SqlRebuildTable <1/0>

Allow the SqlRebuildTable DDL command. This has the same effect as setting SqlAllowDDL.

SqlAlterColumn <1/0>

Allow the SqlAlterColumn DDL command.

DefaultAccessLevel <n>

Set the access level of new characters. This should be 0 for any production system.

LogDir <dir>

Set the log file directory. Default?

AssertMode "<modes>"

Set the behavior of assertion failures. Multiple modes can be specified if the argument is wrapped in quotes. Possible modes are:


Create minidumps (.mdmp) on failure.


Create full dumps (.dmp) on failure.


Exit on failure.


Don't name dump files with timestamps.


Same as NoTimestamp.


Zip the dump files.


Enable the ignore button on assertions.

MaxPlayers <num>

The maximum number of players that can be connected at any time. The maximum value is AUTH_SIZE_MAX (8191):

#define AUTH_SIZE_MAX (((1<<14)/2)-1)	//so Auth server treats any number (1<<14) or bigger as being zero.  So we're saying that you
                                        //can't have a max size > 1<<13-1 so that you can have 1<<13 available for the queue.

LoginsPerMinute <num>

Unsure what this is. It's only used in one place, queueservercomm, so it doesn't actually seem to be a server-side login attempt limiter.

MinPlayers <num>

Unsure about this. It's only ever sent to authserver when it queries how many are online, but that code is dead:

  if (server_cfg.min_players && 0 /*sqlFifoNearFull()*/)

UseQueueServer <1/0>

Enable or disable the use of the queueserver.

BlockFreePlayersIfNoAccountServer <1/0>

Put F2P players in the queue if the account server is down. Presumably? clientcomm s_skipQueue

EnqueueWithAuthLimiter <1/0>

Let people into the shard even if we would queue them normally?

NoStats <1/0>

Disable the statserver; have the launcher send -nostats to mapservers.

ClientProject <name>

Set the "registry name". This is used to construct the path to the Windows registry keys. Default is CoH.

MapServerParams "<params>"

Extra parameters to send to launched mapservers.

DiffDebug <1/0>

Possibly perform extra verification checks on containers? Sends -diffdebug to launched mapservers.

ContainerSizeDebug <1/0>

Possibly perform extra verification checks on containers?

UseLogServer <1/0>

Enable the logserver.

LogServer <ip>

Set the IP address of the logserver. This implies enabling the logserver.

LogRelayVerbose <1/0>

Enable verbose logging. Of what? Inter-server handover?

ChatServer <ip>

Set the IP address of the chatserver.

ShardName <name>

The name of the shard this dbserver manages. Seems to be used for keeping track of shards in turnstile. Does this need to match anything in the DB?

ChangeDbOwnerFrom <name>

Runs some kind of stored procedure. // requested by joe phillips

MaxLevel <n>

Appears to be global max level for NPCs. It doesn't seem to be max level for characters, which you might think.

MaxCoHLevel <n>

NPC max level for blue zones?

MaxCoVLevel <n>

NPC max level for red zones?

MaxDualSlots <n>

Number of shared H/V character slots per player? Default is 12, maximum is 48.

BackupDays <days>

Number of days to keep stored backups (characters?) for. Minimum is 30 days.

OfflineProtectLevel <level>

Highest level of character that can be moved to offline storage. Default is 35. Probably?

OfflineIdleDays <days>

Number of days before a character is moved to offline storage.

CompleteBrokenTasks <1/0>

Sends -completebrokentasks to launched mapservers. Document what this does.

DroppedPacketLogging <1/0>

Log when packets are dropped or received out of order.

AuthBadPacketReconnect <1/0>

Extra verification on auth packets?

BeaconMasterServer <host>

Hostname for the master beaconserver.

MasterBeaconServer <host>

Same as BeaconMasterServer.


UseFakeAuth 1
DefaultAccessLevel 255
NoStats 1
MaxPlayers 300
AssertMode Fulldump
UseQueueServer 0
UseLogServer 0
OverrideAuthBit RogueAccess
KarmaEventHistoryDays 30
MapserverIdleUpkeep 20
MapserverIdleExit 20
FastStart 1
MaxPlayerSlots 1000
MaxDualSlots 1000
AuctionInvMaxLastLoginDays 1000
// BeaconMasterServer
RequestBeaconServerCount 0
BeaconRequestCacheDir "c:\beaconrequestcache"
DoNotLaunchBeaconClients 1
DoNotLaunchMapserverTSRs 0
AuthnameLimiterEnabled 0
AuthnameLimiterAccessLevel 20
SetLogLevel "Auction" -2
SetLogLevel "Chat" 1
SetLogLevel "Admin" -2
SetLogLevel "Bug" -2
SetLogLevel "CharSlotApply" -2
SetLogLevel "Debug" -2
SetLogLevel "Delete" -2
SetLogLevel "deletion" -2
SetLogLevel "entity" -2
SetLogLevel "Error" -2
SetLogLevel "cheaters" -2
SetLogLevel "MARTY" -2
SetLogLevel "Offline" -2
SetLogLevel "Powers" -2
SetLogLevel "Rewards" -2
SetLogLevel "SuperGroup" -2
SetLogLevel "SystemSpecs" -2
SetLogLevel "sze_rewards" -2
SetLogLevel "turnstile" -2
SetLogLevel "cmds" -2
SetLogLevel "internalcmds" 1
SqlDbProvider mssql
SqlDbName coh
SqlAllowDDL 1
SqlLogin "Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};server=localhost;database=coh;trusted_connection=Yes;"
SqlInit 1