The game client connects to port 7000 to find dbserver, and uses the common Network protocol.
When a QueueServer is in use, then it listens on port 7000 and clients will connect there. Otherwise, dbserver listens on port 7000 and accepts client connections.
dbserver game client interface
When a game client disconnects from dbserver, then:
- if the client is not logged in, dbserver sends AS_QUIT_GAME to authserver with reason 1
- if the client is logged in but does not have an entity loaded, dbserver sends AS_QUIT_GAME to authserver with reason 2
- if the client is loaded onto a MapServer, then the MapServer is sent DBSERVER_FORCE_LOGOUT with reason -1
- if the client is loaded but not connected to a MapServer, then an ACCOUNT_CLIENT_LOGOUT_ACCOUNT is sent to AccountServer and AS_QUIT_GAME is sent to authserver with reason 3
When dbserver receives a command on a link from a client, it first checks if the server is shutting down, and if it is then sends the client DBGAMESERVER_MSG with "ServerShutdown", and quits the client.
When quitting a client:
- If QueueServer is not used, dbserver closes the link
- If QueueServer is used, dbserver sends QUEUESERVER_SVR_REMOVECLIENT to QueueServer for this client
If the client is not logged in, then receiving any message other than DBGAMECLIENT_LOGIN will result in DBGAMESERVER_MSG with "NotLogged", and quits the client.
When QueueServer is used, the protocol is modified by prefixing headers onto packets so that QueueServer can proxy them. See Dbserver-protocols#queue for details.