TeamupsId |
Identifys which 8-player team the character is on. This is the container ID in the Teamups DbList. Teamups are not persisted in the database, so are wiped when dbserver restarts.
SupergroupsId |
Identifys which supergroup the character is in. This is the container ID in the Supergroup DbList.
TaskforcesId |
Identifys which task force group the character is in. This is the container ID in the Taskforce DbList.
AuthId |
Account id (from the auth server) for the owner of the character. This is the container ID in the ShardAccount DbList.
AuthName |
Account name (from the auth server) for the owner of the character.
Name |
Character name. Character names are maintained in an in-ram model in dbserver, so can only be modified via dbserver.
StaticMapId |
Map id - The last static map the player was on (usually a city zone). When they exit a mission, they will be sent to this zone. This is the container ID in the maps DbList.
MapId |
Map id - The ID of the map they are currently on. This is the container ID in the maps DbList.
PosX, PosY, PosZ |
Current location of the character in their current map.
OrientP, OrientY, OrientR |
Current orientation of the character.
TotalTime |
The number of seconds the character has been online. Only updated on map moves and log out.
LoginCount |
The number of times the character has been logged in.
LastActive |
The date and time of the last log in.
AccessLevel |
The command access level. Normal players are always 0. GMs have higher values.
ChatBanExpire |
The date and time when the character will be allowed to send chat again.
DbFlags |
Bitfield. Positions are:
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
12 |
13 |
14 |
15 |
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
Locale |
Sets the language and other locale defaults
GurneyMapId |
Map id - The ID of the most recently visited static map which contains a hospital. If the character is defeated, they will get sent to this hospital.
TitleCommon |
The common title of the character, chosen at level 15
TitleOrigin |
The origin title of the character, chosen at level 20
MouseSpeed |
A multiplier for mouse speed (sensitivity). This is set in the options screen.
TurnSpeed |
A multiplier for mouse turning speed (sensitivity). This is set in the options screen.
TopChatFilter |
Bitfield - designates which types of chat appear in the top pane of the chat window.
BotChatFilter |
Bitfield - designates which types of chat appear in the bottom pane of the chat window.
ChatSendChannel |
The id of the output channel in the chat window
KeyProfile |
The name of the keybind profile the player has chosen on the options screen.
KeybindCount |
The number of keybinds currently in use
FriendCount |
The number of local friends
Rank |
The character's supergroup rank. 0 is member, 1 is lieutenant, 2 is captain, 3 is commander, 4 is leader.
TimePlayed |
The number of seconds the character has been in supergroup mode.
MemberSince |
The date and time when the character joined their supergroup
TaskForceMode |
If 1, the player is on a task force and in task force mode. If 0, they are not. 2 if its an architect taskforce
BodyType |
Gender and body type. 0 is male, 1 is female, 4 is huge.
BodyScale |
Overall body scale.
BoneScale |
Overall bone scale.
ColorSkin |
Color - skin color
Motto |
The character's battle cry (motto), entered on the ID screen
Description |
The character's description, entered on the ID screen
CurrentTray |
The index of the main tray
CurrentAltTray |
The index of the alternate (2nd) tray
ChatDivider |
The location of the chat divider in the chat window.
SpawnTarget |
The name of a beacon where the character will be spawned.
Class |
The Archetype (class) of the character
Origin |
The Origin of the character
Level |
The 0-based security level of the character. (If this value is 4, then the character's level is 5)
ExperiencePoints |
The number of experience points earned
ExperienceDebt |
The amount of debt accrued to be worked off
InfluencePoints |
The amount of influence the character currently has
HitPoints |
The character's current hit points
Endurance |
The character's current endurance
ChatFontSize |
The size of the chat font (set in options)
UniqueTaskIssued |
Bitfield - Tracks which unique tasks have been given to the character
The bits in this bitfield are assigned incrementally based on entries in server/db/templates/vars.attribute , which begin with the string xUNIQUETASK1_ . The first such line in the file is bit 0, the second is bit 1, etc.
TitleSpecial |
The special title given to the character (given by GMs)
TitlesChosen |
Tracks which which titles (common and origin) the character has chosen.
TitleSpecialExpires |
The number of seconds which the character keeps the special title.
AuthUserData |
A copy of the auth user data from the Auth server.
This field is no longer used. It has been replaced by a larger version in Ents2. dbserver will convert this to the new type when it finds it, and then remove this field from the container.
UiSettings |
Bitfield - Misc UI settings (set in the options screen)
ShowSettings |
Bitfield - UI settings for showing reticles, health bars, names, etc. (set in the options screen)
NPCCostume |
If the character has been shape-changed, the index of the NPC Costume to use.
Banned |
If 1, the character cannot be logged in. (Set and unset by GMs.)
NumCostumeSlots |
The number of costume slots this character has earned
SuperPrimary |
Bitfield - For the Supergroup costume, determines if primary color is original or one of the supergroup colors
SuperSecondary |
Bitfield - For the Supergroup costume, determines if secondary color is original or one of the supergroup colors
CurrentCostume |
Index of the costume the character is currently wearing.
SuperPrimary2 |
Bitfield - For the Supergroup costume, SuperPrimary was not large enough for all parts
SuperSecondary2 |
Bitfield - For the Supergroup costume, SuperSecondary was not large enough for all parts
SuperTertiary |
Bitfield - For the Supergroup costume, some parts have 4 colors, determines which color is used for supergorup mode
SuperQuaternary |
Bitfield - For the Supergroup costume, some parts have 4 colors, determines which color is used for supergorup mode
FxSpecial |
FxSpecialExpires |
CsrModified |
If non-zero, then a GM has modified this character in some way. (Used to exclude the character in data mining.)
DateCreated |
The date that the character was created.
Gender |
The gender of the character (used to match gender in gendered languages).
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
NameGender |
The gender of the name of the character (used to match gender in gendered languages). Same values as Gender.
PlayerType |
Prestige |
How much prestige the character has earned while a member of their current supergroup.
IsSlotLocked |
Current lock state of this character. 0 is unlocked, 1 is locked, 2 is supposed to be offlined (and locked), but offlined characters are now removed from Entities entirely.
Ents2 |
More single-value fields that are part of the Entity.
Tray |
Friends |
Windows |
KeyBinds |
SuperCostumeParts |
VisitedMaps |
Array of values.
FameStrings |
ChatWindows |
ChatTabs |
ChatChannels |
DefeatRecord |
RewardTokens |
Array of values.
RewardTokensActive |
Array of values.
Contacts |
StoryArcs |
Tasks |
SouvenirClues |
NewspaperHistory |
PetNames |
Array of values.
MapHistory |
Array of values.
InvBaseDetail |
Array of values.
CombatMonitorStat |
RecentBadge |
BadgeMonitor |
Ignore |
GmailClaims |
GmailPending |
QueuedRewardTables |
MARTYTracks |
CertificationHistory |
Array of values.
CompletedOrders |
Array of values.
PendingOrders |
Array of values.