RespecTokens |
Bitfield - the set of respec tokens the player has earned.
PendingReward |
The name of the reward table to apply to the character (used when character is offline and is granted a reward)
PendingRewardVillian |
The villain group for the pending reward (used when character is offline and is granted a reward)
PendingRewardLevel |
The level for the pending reward (used when character is offline and is granted a reward)
TitleBadge |
The character's current chosen Badge title
ChatSettings |
Bitfield - Chat settings
PrimaryChatMinimized |
Bitfield - Chat settings
MousePitch |
Camera following behaviour. 0 is free, 1 is spring, 2 is fixed.
UiSettings2 |
Bitfield - Misc UI settings
UserSendChannel |
The default chat channel the character is chatting to
FreeTailorSessions |
MapOptions |
Notoriety |
The character's notoriety (difficulty) level
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
ChatBubbleTextColor |
Color of text in character's chat bubble
ChatBubbleBackColor |
Color of backgroudn bubble for character's chat bubble
TitleTheText |
If the character has a title leading with a definite article, this is the text to use for it.
DividerSuperName |
Width of UI column in window
DividerSuperMap |
Width of UI column in window
DividerSuperTitle |
Width of UI column in window
DividerEmailFrom |
Width of UI column in window
DividerEmailSubject |
Width of UI column in window
DividerFriendName |
Width of UI column in window
DividerLfgName |
Width of UI column in window
DividerLfgMap |
Width of UI column in window
LfgFlags |
Bitfield - What kind of groups the character is looking to join
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Task Force
4 |
5 |
6 |
Comment |
The comment displayed for this character in the search window
TooltipDelay |
UltraTailor |
ArenaPaid |
ArenaPaidAmount |
ArenaPrizeAmount |
Insight |
CurrentAlt2Tray |
MaxHitPoints |
WisdomPoints |
WisdomLevel |
PvPSwitch |
Reputation |
VillainGurneyMapId |
SkillsUnlocked |
Rage |
ExitMissionContext |
Specifies the information about the task that was just completed for displaying the exit mission text
ExitMissionSubHandle |
Specifies the information about the task that was just completed for displaying the exit mission text
ExitMissionCompoundPos |
Specifies the information about the task that was just completed for displaying the exit mission text
ExitMissionOwnerId |
Specifies the information about the task that was just completed for displaying the exit mission text
ExitMissionSuccess |
Specifies the information about the task that was just completed for displaying the exit mission text
TeamCompleteOption |
Specifies if the character wants credit for shared missions. 0 is prompt, 1 is always, 2 is never.
TimeInSGMode |
UpdateTeamTask |
BuffSettings |
RecipeInvBonus |
RecipeInvTotal |
SalvageInvBonus |
SalvageInvTotal |
AuctionInvBonus |
AuctionInvTotal |
UiSettings3 |
StoredSalvageInvBonus |
StoredSalvageInvTotal |
AccSvrLock |
Used to lock entities while multi-step transactions are being run by AccountServer. Notably this is used during shard transfer, to prevent characters from being logged in while the transfer process is running.
TrayIndexes |
HideField |
originalPrimary |
originalSecondary |
MouseScrollSpeed |
ExperienceRest |
CurBuild |
The 0-based build number currently in use
LevelBuild0 |
Level of a build
LevelBuild1 |
Level of a build
LevelBuild2 |
Level of a build
LevelBuild3 |
Level of a build
LevelBuild4 |
Level of a build
LevelBuild5 |
Level of a build
LevelBuild6 |
Level of a build
LevelBuild7 |
Level of a build
RaidsId |
LevelingPactsId |
PendingArchitectTickets |
BuildChangeTime |
Seconds since 2000 at which we can next change builds
BuildName0 |
Name of a build
BuildName1 |
Name of a build
BuildName2 |
Name of a build
BuildName3 |
Name of a build
BuildName4 |
Name of a build
BuildName5 |
Name of a build
BuildName6 |
Name of a build
BuildName7 |
Name of a build
ExitMissionPlayerCreated |
LastDayJobsStart |
ArchitectMissionsCompleted |
PlayerSubType |
The character's current alignment within their faction:
0 |
Hero / Villain (normal)
1 |
Paragon / Tyrant
2 |
Vigilante / Rogue (able to switch sides)
InfluenceType |
Current type, for non-praetorians:
InfluenceEscrow |
Total Influence (not Infamy or Information) available. Copied to Influence if InfluenceType is 0
AutoAcceptAbove |
The how far above their current level will be auto accepted by the player
AutoAcceptBelow |
The how far below their current level will be auto accepted by the player
LevelAdjust |
Level adustment of enemies ( -1 to +4 )
TeamSize |
Team size this player is treated as ( 1 to 8 )
UpgradeAV |
If true, don't downgrade AV to EB, otherwise always do
DowngradeBoss |
No bosses while solo
PraetorianProgress |
Whether the character is from Primal Earth or Praetorian and if so what progress they've made
0 |
Primal Earth-born
1 |
Praetorian, still in the tutorial
2 |
Praetorian, in Praetoria
3 |
Praetorian, on Primal Earth
4 |
Praetorian transferring to Paragon City
5 |
Praetorian transferring to the Rogue Isles
6 |
Primal Earth character in tutorial, before choosing a side
SpecialMapReturnData |
IncarnateTimer0 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
IncarnateTimer1 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
IncarnateTimer2 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
IncarnateTimer3 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
IncarnateTimer4 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
IncarnateTimer5 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
IncarnateTimer6 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
IncarnateTimer7 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
IncarnateTimer8 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
IncarnateTimer9 |
The time when this incarnate slot will be slottable again
PopHelpLatest0 |
The latest pop helps to have been received, in order
PopHelpLatest1 |
The latest pop helps to have been received, in order
PopHelpLatest2 |
The latest pop helps to have been received, in order
PopHelpLatest3 |
The latest pop helps to have been received, in order
PopHelpLatest4 |
The latest pop helps to have been received, in order
PopHelpStatus |
The state of each pop help, untriggered, unread, unseen, or dissmissed.
TitleColor1 |
TitleColor2 |
AuthUserDataEx |
A copy of the auth user data from the Auth server. UserData_Bits explains the contents.
LeaguesId |
Container ID for the league this entity is a member of.
SpecialReturnInProgress |
Is a specialMapReturnData transfer in progress? Used to solve race condition problems.
CurrentRazerTray |
The index of the Razer tray
HomeDBID |
Container ID of this entity on its home shard. Only used when visiting another shard.
HomeShard |
Shard number of this entity's home shard.
RemoteDBID |
Remote container ID of this entity when it is visiting another shard. This field is stored on the home shard, to indicate that the entity is currently visiting another shard.
VisitStartTime |
secondsSince2000 at which the character started the visit. Used to ensure they go back home eventually
HomeSGID |
Supergroup ID on home shard, only relevant when visiting
HomeLPID |
Leveling Pact ID on home shard, only relevant when visiting
ShardVisitorData |
Data used during shard visitor transfer. Includes such things as league identifier, target map, target location
RemoteShard |
Remote shard when visiting.
DisplayAlignmentStatsToOthers |
Flag to denote whether this player's alignment stats (in the Alignment tab in the Player Info window) are visible to other players.
DesiredTeamNumber |
Team number I want to be on in end game raid league
LastAutoCommandRunTime |
The time that the Auto Command system last ran commands against this Entity.
IsTeamLeader |
Promote me to team leader when turnstile starts
LastTurnstileEventID |
ID of the last turnstile event I was in
LastTurnstileMission |
ID of the last turnstile mission I was in
TurnstileTeamLock |
Turnstile team lock
PendingCertification0 |
Certification order we have not heard back from yet
PendingCertification1 |
Certification order we have not heard back from yet
PendingCertification2 |
Certification order we have not heard back from yet
PendingCertification3 |
Certification order we have not heard back from yet
HelperStatus |
flag that determines whether the player is a newbie or a vet for help system purposes.
UiSettings4 |
Bitfield - Misc UI settings
MapOptionRevision |
Used to initialize the MapOptions and MapOptions2 values to handle new defaults we want to set.
MapOptions2 |
Bitfield - Map display options
SelectedContactOnZoneEnter |
This contact (stored by handle #) will be selected as soon as the player next ticks, which may be after a mapmove. Currently used by the Contact Finder.
TeamupTimer_ActivePlayer |
Moment in time when teamup_activePlayer is set to point to teamup (internal)
ValidateCostume |
If set, the primary costume should be validated on receipt of account inventory
NumCostumeStored |
The number of costume slots stored on this character
DoNotKick |
if set, the character will not be kicked for invalid cosutmes, ATs and Powersets
LastTurnstileStartTime |
Time that turnstile started
HideOpenSalvageWarning |
Option to hide the open salvage warning dialog.
hideStorePiecesState |
State of Hide Store Pieces in Tailor
cursorScale |
Scale of the cursor
NewFeaturesVersion |
Last version that New Features window was shown