XLS to Data: 1.1 Setup and Resources

From OuroDev
Revision as of 12:43, 12 August 2024 by HixxyDubz (talk | contribs) (XLS to Data: 1.1 Setup and Resources)
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To begin, folder structure is very important to allow the scripts to work, Tools from pack Updated Perl scripts below need to be in C:\game\tools data from Faptastic/Voldemort need to be in C:\game\data, but first, lets look at the tools you're going to need in order to create content in XLS.

What's needed:

Confirmed applications that work with the XLS sheets are Libre Office, Apache Open Office and Google Excel, though do note security settings may decide to disable macros. Libra office has a tendency by default to add an additional locked folder when editing and then not remove which some scripts will hang up on unless you delete the locked file, this also applied to Apache Open Office too.

Next strawberry Perl is needed, PowerShell, while not required, is helpful as well. When running any command it is recommended to do it in a CMD prompt line as when an error occurs the script will just close.

While you can navigate with file explore, a program like Visual Studio helps navigation, Create environment variables for strawberry perl if it didn't create one. The file structure should look something like this:

  • C:\game
  • C:\game\data
  • C:\game\tools, you should only need C:\game. but you will find the scripts can be finicky.

The scripts require additional Perl modules to be installed using cpan ex cpan Tie::IxHash

Perl Modules needed.

• Tie::IxHash

• String::CRC32