From OuroDev
How do I create an account?
- You can use the PowerShell script in downloads or execute a query against the database manually.
- Create NEW USER: test / password
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.user_account (account, uid, forum_id, pay_stat) VALUES ('test', 1, 1, 1014);
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.user_auth (account, password, salt, hash_type) VALUES ('test', CONVERT(BINARY(128),'46ffce3efcfe83bfa205b076d7c2084b9dcf04cdb26f9019103cde29779d26a85216b2c0f43ba1a8fb9b7fa22f05a949bf4edc314af27629e8fc23014e77a24d'), 0, 1);
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.user_data (uid, user_data) VALUES (1, 0x0080C2E000D00B0C000000000CB40058);
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.user_server_group (uid, server_group_id) VALUES (1, 1);
- Crust First's web-based tool for generating SQL queries to create new accounts (Source)
- Line 4 of this script currently has an error. Add a ; at the end of the last piece of text to correct this.
How do I make a GM Character?
- Update the character in the database
UPDATE [cohdb].[dbo].[Ents] SET [AccessLevel] = 10 WHERE [Name] = 'charnamehere'
- You can also set DefaultAccessLevel to 10 in servers.cfg,
- This will only work for characters made after you make this change.
- All characters after this change will be an GM.
- You'll also need to restart DBServer after this change.
- Login to the game and type /mmm to bring up an admin menu. All commands are also listed in Commands.cfg
How do I pimp my ride in game?
- If your character is an admin type /autoenhance, /autoenhanceio, or /autoenhanceset.
- You can find many of commands in C:\COH\data\server\db\commands.cfg
- You can also type /mmm, scroll down to Design Testing, EnhanceAndInspire, Enhancements, and give yourself whatever you want.
- You can level the chracter up to level 50 with the below command
- /experience_add 39149119
How do I unlock all the good medals?
- You can give yourself any of the badge below by typing /badge_add BadgeNameHere.
- AtlasSet (Received the Atlas Medallion) (Tourist) (Atlas Shrugged) [Adds 'The Atlas Medallion' passive power]
- Marshal (Ex-Marshal) (Marshal) [Adds the 'Marshal' passive power]
- DimensionalHopperSet (Portal Jockey) [Adds 'Portal Jockey' passive power]
- BornInBattle (Born in Battle) [Adds the 'Born In Battle' passive power]
- FreedomPhalanxSet (Freedom Phalanx Reserve Member) (Freedom Phalanx Fallen) [Adds 'Freedom Phalanx Reserve' passive power]
- HighPainThreshold (Gotten Soft) (High Pain Threshold) [Adds 'High Pain Threshold' passive power]
- TaskForceCommander (Task Force Commander) (Task Force Abandoner) [Adds 'Task Force Commander' passive power]
- MayhemInvader (Return Visitor) (Invader) [Adds 'Invader' passive power]
- Paragon (Paragon) [Unlocks 'Assemble the Team' power in the P2W Vendor under 'Prestige Powers > Travel > Teleport']
- UnbrokenSpirit (The Unbroken Spirit) [Unlocks 'Renewal of Light' power in the P2W Vendor under 'Prestige Powers > Utility > Miscellaneous']
- P_Relentless (Relentless) [Unlocks 'Return to Battle' power in the P2W Vendor under 'Prestige Powers > Utility > Miscellaneous']
- InventorAccolade (Field Crafter) [Adds 'Portable Workbench' power]
- ArchitectAccolade (Mission Engineer) [Adds 'Architect Comlink' power]
- GoldClub (Pocket D VIP Gold Club Member) [Adds 'Pocket D VIP Pass' power]
- CreySet (Conspiracy Theorist) [Adds the 'Crey CBX-9 Pistol' power]
- HeadlineStealer (Yesterday's News) [Adds 'Stolen Immobilizer Ray' power]
- RIWEAccolade (Watchwoman) [Adds 'Elusive Mind' power]
- MagusSet (Archmage) (Arch-Mage of Agony) [Adds 'Eye of the Magus' power]
- Demonic (Exorcised) (Demonic) [Adds 'Demonic Aura' power]
- Megalomaniac (In Therapy) (Megalomaniac) [Adds 'Megalomaniac' power]
- RiktiWarSet (Vanguard) [Adds 'Vanguard Medal' power]
- GeasoftheKindOnes (Geas of the Kind Ones) [Adds 'Geas of the Kind Ones' power]
- MayhemForceOfNature (Force of Nature) (Uninsurable) [Adds 'Force of Nature' power]
Why does my server show offline?
- First make sure you've added your server into the database. You can do so with the code below.
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.server (id, name, ip, inner_ip, ageLimit, pk_flag, server_group_id) VALUES (1, 'Bree', '', '', 0, 0, 1);
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.worldstatus (idx, status) VALUES (1, 1);
Why does my AuthServer say "Non-registered world server X.X.X.X"?
- Make sure the server is in the cohauth
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.server (id, name, ip, inner_ip, ageLimit, pk_flag, server_group_id) VALUES (1, 'Bree', '', '', 0, 0, 1);
INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.worldstatus (idx, status) VALUES (1, 1);
Why does my DBServer say "login failed for user sa" when starting?
- Most likely you've entered the string wrong in account_server.cfg or another file.
- It could be that the sa account is still disabled as well. Double check SMSS to verify.
- If you've entered it correctly make sure restarted the service after the changes from the guide.
My AuctionServer is running but why players can't list items?
- Most likely your auction_server.cfg is incorrect.
ShardIp SqlDbName cohauc SqlLogin "DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Uid=sa;Pwd=YOURL33TPASS;"
- Start AuctionServer64.exe
Why is my MapServer displaying popups?
- Most likely your server.cfg is set to -filedebug. Change to this -nopopup to no longer see windows from it.
Why aren't my Architect Missions aren't publishing?
- Most likely you are missing the "missionserver" folder. Create one in the root of your server directory and start MissionServer again. For me this is C:\COH\missionserver.
How come my server says "Paragon" and how do I change it?
- (empty server list)
- Paragon
- Cryptic
- Bree
- Undying
- Phoenix
- Rebirth
- Resurgence
- Titan
- Unity
- Torchbearer
- Unstoppable
- Perseverant
- Indomitable
- Timeless
- Everlasting
- Excelsior
- CoHWorldServer_17
- CoHWorldServer_18
How do I start Events
- In-Game you can use the following commands to start events.
/shardeventstart scriptdefs/Holiday_11_Event.scriptdef
/shardeventstart scriptdefs/Halloween_11_Event.scriptdef
/shardeventstart ScriptDefs/SpringFlingEvent.scriptdef
/shardeventstart ScriptDefs/NemesisPlotShard.scriptdef
- There is also "/shardeventstop" to stop said events
What configuration files do I need to create?
- You need to create auction_server.cfg, chat_server.cfg, and servers.cfg. Crust Fire created a php script which will make these for you.
- Crust Fire's Auto Config Generator (Source)