I25 Commands

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Revision as of 17:58, 29 May 2019 by Plutocracy (talk | contribs) (100% Warpshot (Lexi)'s work, it just never made it onto the wiki)
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Player Commands

These commands are accessible to any player. [Click to Expand]

Command Arguments Description
ac Arena chat channel
account_certification_claim claims certification
account_certification_refund refunds the price of certification to player
afk Marks the player as Away From Keyboard (with given message)
ai Invite player to join your arena event.
altinvite Joins a different character on your account to your supergroup.
architect_claim_tickets Claim architect tickets earned from authored story arcs
architect_completemisison Complete the current mission in Architect Test Mode
architect_invincible Toggle invincibility on an architect test mode map
architect_invisible Toggle invisibility on an architect test mode map
architect_killtarget kill the currently selected target on an architect test mode map
architect_loginupdate Report how many architect tickets are waiting to be claimed
architect_nextcritter Go to the next critter on an architect test mode map
architect_nextobjective Go to next object on an architect test mode map
arena Arena chat channel
arena_list Open the arena list window no matter where you are. Opens the score window if you are in an Arena match.
arena_score Open the arena score window if you are in an Arena match. Does nothing if you aren't in an Arena match.
arenainvite Invite player to join your arena event.
auction Send message to request channel.
b Send message to entire map.
boost_convert Converts the specified boost into something else. <idx> <conversion set>
broadcast Send message to entire map.
buffs Toggle team buff display.
c Send message to coalition channel.
cc Change current costume.
cc_e Uses an emote to change costumes.
cc_emote Uses an emote to change costumes.
chan_invite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME> Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
chan_invite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK> Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.

You must specify the minimum rank to invite: 0: invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders) 1: invite captains and leaders only 2: invite leaders only

chan_send <CHANNEL_NAME> <MESSAGE> Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send privileges.
ci Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
citytime Print the current city time
clear_petnames Clear the names of all your named pets
clearAttributeView Clear the attribute target
clearRewardChoice Choose no item in your current reward choice
coalition Send message to coalition channel.
coalition_cancel Cancel coalition with a supergroup.
coalition_invite Invite player's supergroup to join coalition.
coalition_mintalkrank Set the minimum rank of members of a coalition Supergroup who your Supergroup can hear.
coalition_nosend Stop your Supergroup from sending coalition chat to an ally Supergroup.
coalition_sg_mintalkrank Set the minimum rank of members of your Supergroup who can use coalition chat.
comment Set search comment.
contactfinder_selectcurrent Selects the contact currently detailed in the Contact Finder window. Only works if you have already been introduced to the contact.
contactfinder_showcurrent Shows the current contact in the Contact Finder window.
contactfinder_shownext Shows the next contact in the Contact Finder window.
contactfinder_showprevious Shows the previous contact in the Contact Finder window.
contactfinder_teleporttocurrent Teleports you to the contact currently detailed in the Contact Finder window. Only works if you have not yet been introduced to the contact.
costume_change Change current costume.
debug_disableautodismiss Enables you to turn on and off auto-dismissal of contacts.
demote Demote supergroup member one rank.
e Emotes a text string.
em Emotes a text string.
emaildelete Delete message <message num>
emailsend Send message <player names> <subject> <body>
emailsendattachment Send message <player names> <subject> <body> <influence>
emote Emotes a text string.
enter_base_from_passcode jump into a base using its passcode
estrange Remove player from friend list.
f Talk to friends channel.
findmember Find a player.
fl Display friend list.
friend Add player to friend list.
friendlist Display friend list.
g Send message to group channel.
get_all_arena_stats Get your arena stats.
get_comment Get search comment.
get_global_name Gets the global name from character name.
get_global_silent Gets the global name without reporting results to chat window
get_rated_arena_stats Get your arena stats.
getarenastats Get your arena stats.
gfriend Add a player to your global friends list.
gignore Ignore Player
ginvite <CHANNEL NAME> <USER NAME> Invite player or chat handle to a chat channel
ginvite_sg <CHANNEL NAME> <RANK> Invite your entire supergroup to a chat channel. Only leaders may use this command.

You must specify the minimum rank to invite: 0: invite entire supergroup (members, captains and leaders) 1: invite captains and leaders only 2: invite leaders only

gmail_claim Claim Attachments on a Global Email
gmail_return Claim Attachments on a Global Email
gmotd View the global message again.
group Send message to group channel.
guide Help/guide chat channel
gunfriend Remove a player from your global friends list.
gunignore Unignore User
h Help/guide chat channel
hc Help/guide chat channel
help Help/guide chat channel
helpchat Help/guide chat channel
i Invite player to join team.
ignore Ignore Player
ignore_spammer Ignore As Spammer
ignorelist Displays a list of ignored users
incarnate_equip Equips the specified Incarnate Ability. Does nothing if you don't have it or its slot is locked. Also does nothing if you or your teammates are in combat, if the currently equipped IA is recharging, or if it's been less than
incarnate_unequip Unequips the specified Incarnate Ability. Does nothing if you don't have it or its slot is locked. Also does nothing if you or your teammates are in combat, if the currently equipped IA is recharging, or if it's been less than
incarnate_unequip_all Unequips all equipped Incarnate Abilities.
incarnate_unequip_by_slot Unequips whatever ability is in the specified Incarnate slot. Does nothing if the slot is locked or empty. Also does nothing if you or your teammates are in combat, if the currently equipped IA is recharging, or if it's been
invite Invite player to join team.
k Kick player from team.
kick Kick player from team.
kiosk Pop up the kiosk info for the nearest kiosk. (Assuming you're close enough.)
l Send message to your area.
lc Send message to league channel.
league Send message to league channel.
league_chat Send message to league channel.
league_invite Invite player to join league.
league_kick Kick player from league.
league_make_leader Change the team leader.
league_teammove Move selected player to selected team
league_teamswap Swap the teams of 2 players
leagueToggleTeamLock Lock your team from league swap
leagueWithdrawTeam Withdraw your team from current league.
leaveLeague Leave your current team and league.
leaveTeam Leave your current team and league.
levelingpact Invite player to join your leveling pact.
lfg Send message to Looking for Group channel.
lfgset Set looking for group status
lfgtoggle Toggle looking for group status.
li Invite player to join league.
lk Kick player from league.
lml Change the team leader.
local Send message to your area.
lookingforgroup Send message to Looking for Group channel.
lp Send message to leveling pact channel.
ma Archiect chat channel
makeleader Change the team leader.
me Emotes a text string.
mission_architect Archiect chat channel
ml Change the team leader.
nameCaptain Renames the 'Captain' supergroup rank.
nameCommander Renames the 'Commander' supergroup rank.
nameEnforcer Renames the 'Enforcer' supergroup rank.
nameFlunky Renames the 'Flunky' supergroup rank.
nameLeader Renames the 'Leader' supergroup rank.
nameLieutenant Renames the 'Lieutenant' supergroup rank.
nameMember Renames the 'Member' supergroup rank.
nameOverlord Renames the 'Overlord' supergroup rank.
nameRingleader Renames the 'Ringleader' supergroup rank.
nameTaskmaster Renames the 'TaskMaster' supergroup rank.
nojumprepeat Disable jump auto-repeat
p Send a message to only one player.
pactwho get info on your leveling pact
powers_cancel Cancel all effects of specified power from the character if power is cancelable and target is you or your pet. ([ent id] [category.powerset.power])
private Send a message to only one player.
promote Promote supergroup member one rank.
r Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
raid_invite Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
release_pets Release your current pets
reply Reply to last person that sent you a tell.
req Send message to request channel.
request Send message to request channel.
respec Go to respec screen if you have recieved a free holiday respec
runnerdebug Enable limited debugging for a possible critter run-away bug
s Send message to your area.
salvage_open Open a salvage. Takes a string parameter that is the internal name of the salvage to open. You must have that salvage in your inventory.
say Send message to your area.
scriptreset resets and restarts the script
scriptshowvars turns on showing script vars to client
scriptsignal signals the script
sea Find a player.
search Find a player.
select_build Select current build
sell Send message to request channel.
send <CHANNEL_NAME> <MESSAGE> Send message to chat channel. You must be in the channel and have Send privileges
servertime Print the current server time
setdifficultyav Set your AV spawning (no influence charge). 1 to make AV's always appear, 0 for always EB
setdifficultyboss Set your Boss downgrade (no influence charge). 1 to make bosses not downgrade when solo
setdifficultylevel Set your level (no influence charge)
setdifficultyteamsize Set your team size (no influence charge)
sethelperstatus Sets your helper status. 0 = off, 1 = help me!, 2 = mentor
sg Send message to super group channel.
sg_kick_yes Kick player from supergroup.
sg_music Sets the Supergroup Base background music.
sg_passcode Sets the Supergroup Base access passcode.
sgi Invite player to join supergroup.
sginvite Invite player to join supergroup.
sgleave Leave your current supergroup.
sgmode Toggle supergroup mode.
sgmodeset Setsupergroup mode.
sgraid_invite Invite player's supergroup to an instant raid.
sgraid_window Set your supergroup raid window <daybits> <hour>
sgSetDemoteTimeout Sets supergroup demote timeout.
sgSetDescription Sets supergroup description.
sgSetMOTD Sets supergroup MOTD.
sgSetMotto Sets supergroup motto.
sgstats Display supergroup info in chat window.
sgwho see who is in a supergroup
show_petnames Displays the names of all your named pets
stuck Try to get unstuck.
supergroup Send message to super group channel.
sync Try to resync.
synch Try to resync.
t Send a message to only one player.
team Send message to group channel.
teamMoveToLeague Create a new league.
tell Send a message to only one player.
title_change players can now change their titles
tll Send a message to the league leader.
tmtl Create a new league.
trade Invite player to trade.
ttl Send a message to the team leader.
turnstile_invite_player_accept Invite player to the leaders instance
tut_votekick Start a vote kick request
tut_votekick_opinion Vote kick opinion
unfriend Remove player from friend list.
unignore Unignore User
whisper Send a message to only one player.
who get info on <player>
whoall Print who's on this map.
y Send message to entire map.
yell Send message to entire map.

GM Commands

These commands are accessible to anyone with an access level of 1 to 11. [Click to Expand]

Level Command Arguments Description
1 alignment_reset_single_timer Reset a single timer that is limiting your alignment point earnings.
1 alignment_reset_timers Reset the timers that limit you to earning five alignment points per day
1 alignment_tip_drop Drop a tip for the going rogue alignment system
1 architect_otheruserinfo Print architect user info about player <authname> <region>
1 architect_useridinfo Print architect user info
1 architect_userinfo Print architect user info
1 benpc Allows you to become a villain or npc
1 beself Switches you to your normal model and costume
1 moveentitytome moves selected entity to my location
1 newalignment_switch_hero Switch to hero alignment, reset roguepoints
1 newalignment_switch_paragon Switch to paragon alignment, reset roguepoints
1 newalignment_switch_rogue Switch to rogue alignment, reset roguepoints
1 newalignment_switch_tyrant Switch to tyrant alignment, reset roguepoints
1 newalignment_switch_vigilante Switch to hero vigilante, reset roguepoints
1 newalignment_switch_villain Switch to villain alignment, reset roguepoints
1 rogue_stats Get current going-rogue-relevant stats
1 roguepoints_add_hero Add a hero point (roguepoints_hero reward token)
1 roguepoints_add_paragon Add a paragon point (roguepoints_paragon reward token)
1 roguepoints_add_rogue Add a rogue point (roguepoints_rogue reward token)
1 roguepoints_add_tyrant Add a tyrant point (roguepoints_tyrant reward token)
1 roguepoints_add_vigilante Add a vigilante point (roguepoints_vigilante reward token)
1 roguepoints_add_villain Add a villain point (roguepoints_villain reward token)
1 roguepoints_reset_hero Reset hero points to zero (roguepoints_hero reward token)
1 roguepoints_reset_paragon Reset paragon points to zero (roguepoints_paragon reward token)
1 roguepoints_reset_rogue Reset rogue points to zero (roguepoints_rogue reward token)
1 roguepoints_reset_tyrant Reset tyrant points to zero (roguepoints_tyrant reward token)
1 roguepoints_reset_vigilante Reset vigilante points to zero (roguepoints_vigilante reward token)
1 roguepoints_reset_villain Reset villain points to zero (roguepoints_villain reward token)
1 roguepoints_set_hero Set hero points to tmp_int (roguepoints_hero reward token)
1 roguepoints_set_paragon Set paragon points to tmp_int (roguepoints_paragon reward token)
1 roguepoints_set_rogue Set rogue points to tmp_int (roguepoints_rogue reward token)
1 roguepoints_set_tyrant Set tyrant points to tmp_int (roguepoints_tyrant reward token)
1 roguepoints_set_vigilante Set vigilante points to tmp_int (roguepoints_vigilante reward token)
1 roguepoints_set_villain Set villain points to tmp_int (roguepoints_villain reward token)
1 setpos move me to <x> <y> <z> on this map
1 setpospyr move me to <x> <y> <z> on this map, set pyr
1 sg_grant_raid_points Grants points to current SG, <points> <isRaid>
1 sg_show_raid_points show current raid points
1 sgrp_base_prestige_show show the amount of base prestige
1 tip_drop_designer Drop a designer tip specified.
1 tip_drop_designer_show_all Show which tips can be dropped
2 a Admin chat command
2 architect_csr_get_arc Get the arc with the given ID and save it to local disc.
2 architect_grant_tickets Grant architect tickets to an account.
2 architect_set_best_arc_stars Set maximum stars earned from any arc.
2 Architect_Slot_Grant Grant X publish slots to the player
2 badge_stats_show Show all of the basic stats tracked for badges for the player. Optional parameter shows stats with the given string in the stat name. (synonym of badge_stat_show)
2 badges_show Lists the badges owned by the player. (synonym for badge_show)
2 complete_stuck_mission completes the current mission. arg for complete successfully/failed. for use only when stuck. you get one use per week.
2 csr_clearMARTY clear MARTY history of <player>
2 csr_printMARTY print MARTY history of <player>
2 csr_title_and_expires_special Set the character's special, free-form title and expiration duration
2 dbflag_show show DbFlags status
2 dbflags show DbFlags status
2 dbflags_show show DbFlags status
2 debugmenuflags bit flags for what options to show on debug menu.
2 encounterspawnclosest Spawn the closest encounter group to the player
2 encounterteamsize Force the encounter spawns to pretend you have a team size of X
2 enterbase jump into your base
2 enterbasebysgid jump into your base
2 eventhistory_find Search for Karma event history rewards.
2 exitbase jump out of your base
2 exitmission jump out of mission map
2 getentdebugmenu Gets the entity debug menu.
2 goto move yourself to a player's map and location
2 gotocontact Teleport immediately to the contact position, across mapservers
2 gotoentbyname go to first entity with matching name.
2 gotomission Teleport to mission entrance. Will work across maps.
2 map_send_buffs Enables or disables sending buff data to all players on the mapserver. 2 = send buffs and numbers; 1 = do not send buff numbers; 0 = do not send buffs at all.
2 mapadmin Admin chat command to just current map
2 maplist Displays a list of all static maps
2 mapmove move to <map id>. see maps.db for map ids
2 mapmovepos Helper function for teleport, goto, contact, and door stuff
2 mapmoveposandselectcontact Helper function for contact finder
2 mapmovespawn move to <mad id> and spawn marker <spawn_name>
2 mapshutdown Move all players to another map and attempt to exit gracefully.
2 mmm Gets the entity debug menu, aka the Magic Martin Menu.
2 scmds print server commands containing <string>
2 sgrename <SG_PLAYER_NAME> <OLD_SG_NAME> <NEW_SG_NAME> Changes a supergroup's name.
2 showandtell Toggles show-and-tell mode for this map
2 smapname get name of <map id>
2 snotimeout sets the notimeout flag on all links initially
2 teleport Teleport the <player> to me
2 timescale sets rate time passes
2 timeset sets current time of day for all maps
3 account_certification_show displays all certification records in player inventory (for debugging)
3 account_inventory_list list the account inventory for current account
3 account_loyalty_show displays the state of the loyalty rewards for the current account
3 alwayshit <0/1> 1=always hit, 0=normal
3 completemission complete the mission for your current map
3 completetask complete the Xth task on your list
3 csr execute <command> as if you were <player> (e.g. "csr Joe levelupxp 10")
3 csr_assist Help the given player by autotargeting whatever he targets
3 csr_offline execute <command> as if you were <player>, even if player is offline (e.g. "csr_offline Joe levelupxp 10")
3 csrbug_internal Internal command. For processing /csrbug command
3 description_set Change a players description
3 detail_categories List the names of all detail categories
3 detail_list List all the details owned by character
3 detail_names List the internal and display names of all details in an internal category
3 gethandle Displays a player's global chat handle
3 goto_name Goto next villain with given name
3 gotoobjective Takes the player to the specified objective
3 grant_handle_change Allow a player to change their Global Handle again.
3 handlerename Change a player's chat handle
3 invincible <0/1> 1=invincible, 0=normal
3 invisible <0/1> 1=invisible ,0=visible
3 list_deleted_chars usage: <auth> <MM/YYYY> Lists characters in the deletion file for this user for this time period.
3 nextmissionspawn Goes to next spawn overridden by mission system.
3 nextobjective Takes the player to the next objective
3 nextspawn Goes to next active encounter.
3 nextspawnpoint Goes to next encounter group.
3 nextumissionspawn Goes to next unconquered spawn overridden by mission system.
3 nextunconqueredmissionspawn Goes to next unconquered spawn overridden by mission system.
3 offlinemove CSR command for moving an offline player to a specific static map and position
3 playerrename <CURRENT_NAME> <NEW_NAME> Changes a player's name.
3 playerrename_paid <CURRENT_NAME> <NEW_NAME> Changes a player's name (if they have a rename token).
3 powers_cashin Cashes in all enhancements a player has slotted and removes them from all powers. Keeps inventory enhancements.
3 powers_reset Removes all of a player's powers and sets their primary and secondary power sets. Player can go to trainer and train back up to their level. ([primary set] [first power] [secondary set])
3 respec_grant Give a free respec
3 restore_deleted_char usage: <auth> <char name> <sequence-#> <MM/YYYY>. Restores character deleted during this time period.
3 salvage_list List all the salvage owned by character
3 salvage_names List internal and display names of all salvage
3 sg_csr_join Allows a CSR to addthemselves to a SG
3 sg_detail_list List all the special details owned by this supergroup
3 sg_detail_names List the internal and display names of all special details
3 sg_set_rank Sets the rank of this person directly (without checking for permission)
3 sgjoin join a supergroup for development testing and csr
3 showmissioninfo Prints out mission info
3 showobjectives Shows a list of objectives for the mission and their current status
3 status <MAPSERVER_ID> get status of mapserver, use -1 to get all mapservers
3 support_home Show the support home page
3 support_kb Show a support KB article
3 title_special Set the character's special, free-form title
3 unstoppable <0/1> 1=unstoppable, 0=normal
3 untargetable <0/1> 1=untargetable, 0=normal
3 weeklyTF_printActiveTokens Prints the current weekly TF token list
4 csr_radius execute <command> as if csr for all players in specified radius (-1 for whole map)
4 doppelgangertest spawns a dopplgange with keywords
4 ec ec is abbreviation for entcontrol
4 entcontrol 'entcontrol 0 kill' to kill currently selected npc
4 nextawakecritter go to next critter
4 nextcritter go to next critter
4 nextitem go to next item
4 scriptdebugserver turns on script debugging for client
4 scriptpause pauses the selected script
4 setragdoll Sets the number of ragdolls allowed on this server
4 shardeventsignal Send a named signal to the shard event
4 shardeventstart Start a shard event
4 shardeventstop Stops the running shard event
4 silence <PLAYER> <MINUTES> ban player from general chat for set number of minutes
4 svrkick <PLAYER> <REASON> kick player for reason
4 youSay set selected entity as debug entity on server, and have it say the given string
4 youSayOnClick set selected entity as debug entity on server, and have it say the given string when clicked
4 zoneeventsignal Send a named signal to a zone event
4 zoneeventstart Start a particular zone event
4 zoneeventstop Stop a particular zone event
4 zonescriptstart Start a particular zone script
9 accepttask get issued a task, specify contact and whether you want a long one (1) or short (0)
9 accessiblecontactdebug_getcurrent Prints out what the currently accessible contact is.
9 accessiblecontactdebug_getfirst Resets your current accessible contact index to zero and then prints out what that contact is.
9 accessiblecontactdebug_getnext Increases your current accessible contact index by one and then prints out what that contact is.
9 accessiblecontactdebug_getprevious Decreases your current accessible contact index by one and then prints out what that contact is.
9 account_certification_test Four digit number: thousands place: 0 -> message is dropped, 1 -> message failed and respond. Hundreds place: 0 -> only affect the next message, 1 -> affect all messages until /account_certification_test is run again to clear the setting. Tens/ones: index to denote where in the certification process to fail. Currently used values are 1 through 8.
9 account_inventory_change modifies account item <product> by <delta>
9 addcontact Add a single contact to the player, specify filename
9 adjust_server_slots Adjust the number of on a character
9 ailog Sets the types of AI logging that is done.
9 allow_change_handle_all Allow ALL players to change their Global Handle again.
9 alwaysknockplayers Knock players every time they get hit.
9 apartment jump into your apartment
9 architect_grant_overflow_tickets Grant architect overflow tickets to an account.
9 archvillain Goto the next archvillain
9 arena_camera Test command that turns the player into a camera
9 arena_create Create a new named arena event
9 arena_debug Show detail information for each event you belong to
9 arena_destroy Destroy an existing arena event
9 arena_enter Starts the event and enters this player
9 arena_join Join an arena event
9 arena_popup Pop up the event's create window
9 arena_ready Set player ready state for an event
9 arena_setmap Set the map for an event
9 arena_setside Set what side player is for this event
9 arena_uncamera Test command that turns the player back from being a camera
9 arenainvite_long Invite player to join arena event
9 auc_trust_gameclient use in conjunction with cmd auc_SellAndBuyAll to hammer the auction house
9 auth_user_data_set Set auth user data values. See value names via /auth_user_data_show, also Raw[0-3] and OrRaw[0-3].
9 auth_user_data_show Shows auth user data values.
9 autocommand_add Create an Auto Command that will be run at a specified number of days, hours, and minutes from now. Format: /autocommand_create "command_name param1 param2 ... paramN" days hours minutes
9 autocommand_delete Delete the Auto Command specified by the ID parameter
9 autocommand_showall Display all Auto Commands.
9 autocommand_showbycommand Display all Auto Commands that run the specified command.
9 autocommand_testrun Perform a test run on the AutoCommands system as though you just logged in now and the last time you logged in was at the specified time. Format: "MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM"
9 badge_remove Removes the named badge from the player.
9 badge_revoke Removes the named badge from the player.
9 badge_show Lists the badges owned by the player.
9 badge_stat_add_relay Adds the given value to the given basic badge stat for the player.
9 banchat_relay Internal command. used by /banchat and /silence
9 base_teleport Teleport into your supergroups base, if possible
9 baseaccess_froment_relay get the baseaccess for a given ent: <idEntRequesting> <base entry requested> <id ent>
9 baseaccess_response_relay get the baseaccess for a given ent: <'[idSgrp,baseAccess,base name ]+'> <idEnt>. can take multiple if separated by tabs
9 beaconcheckfile Tells whether or not the beacon file is up to date for this map.
9 beaconfix This fixes beacons that have had their wrapper group removed and various other problems. Runs automatically at load time
9 beacongetvar Get a beacon debug var.
9 beacongotocluster Goto a beacon cluster by index.
9 beaconmasterserver Set the BeaconMasterServer to use for beacon requests.
9 beaconpathdebug Pathfinding debugging stuff.
9 beaconprocessnpc Finds and connects NPC beacons.
9 beaconprocesstraffic Finds and connects traffic beacons.
9 beaconreadfile Reloads the beacon file.
9 beaconreadthisfile Load a specific beacon file.
9 beaconrequest Requests a beacon file for the current map.
9 beaconresettemp Reset temporary beacon information (pathfinding optimization)
9 beaconsetvar Set a beacon debug var.
9 beaconwritefile Writes out the beacon file.
9 becritter Get the costume and powers of a villain of the given level.
9 bin_map Write a single bin file for the current map
9 boosts_setlevel Sets all slotted boosts to the given level.
9 boostx Gives the player a random enhancement. optional param is #combines
9 cape_grant unlock capes
9 chat_cmd_relay Internal command. For inserting player's chat handle and exectuting a command.
9 chatserver_shutdown Broadcast message to all users and shutdown the Chatserver.
9 checkjfd blarg
9 clear_inv Clears all of your inventory
9 clearailog Clears the AI logs for all entities.
9 clearstats Clears a player's stats
9 clientpacketlog Enable logging client packets.
9 clientpacketlogpause Toggle pausing client packet log.
9 clueaddremove add or remove clue to the Xth task on your list - clueaddremove <task id> <cluename> <adding?>
9 clueaddremoveinternal Internal command. clueaddremoveinternal <adding?> <db_id> <task id> <task subid> <clue name>
9 collrecord start recording collision queries.
9 collrecordstop stop recording collision queries.
9 combateval Run combat eval using my current target and the specified power.
9 combatstatsdump Dump combat stats for individual ents to combat.log.
9 combatstatsdump_agg Dump all aggregate combat stats for all powers used to combat.log.
9 combatstatsdump_aggregate Dump all aggregate combat stats for all powers used to combat.log.
9 combatstatsdump_player Dump combat stats for all player entities and pets to combat.log.
9 combatstatsreset Reset all combat stats.
9 contactcell Talk to the specified contact on cell phone.
9 contactcxp set your contact points
9 contactdebugoutputflowchartfile Creates the C:/contactFlowchartInfo.txt file that is used as input for the flowchart program.
9 contactdetail detailed info on the state of a given contact
9 contactdialog Talk to the specified contact.
9 contactgetall Resend all contact status info.
9 contactintroductions Show how the specified contact will do introductions
9 contactintronext Force the contact to introduce you to the next level
9 contactintropeer Force the contact to introduce you to a peer
9 costumepart_grant grant a reward costume part
9 crashnow blarg
9 critterlimits Change the min/max number of critters on map (0 for no limit)
9 csr_offline_long execute <command> as if you were <player> and had <access_level>, even if player is offline (e.g. "csr_offline_long 3 1234 2345 levelupxp 10")
9 csr_promote_long internal promote command
9 cutSceneDebug Prints debug info about running cutscenes.
9 dataminecontacts Dump datamining info for contacts. 0 for mission counts, 1 for more detail.
9 dayjob Add <seconds> to day job.
9 debug_enable_levelingpack Enable leveling pacts
9 debug_expr Turns on or off combat expression debugging.
9 debug_power show the power's enhancement results
9 debug_powers Controls powers debugging
9 debug_set_vip Sets the vip state on development shards.
9 defsreload Reload class, origin, and power defs. Warning: Will leak some memory.
9 delinkme delinks this map from dbserver.
9 destroy test destroy world geometry
9 disable_zone_event Disable a zone event, to prevent it being started
9 disableConsiderEnemyLevel Debug disables ai considering your level when deciding whether ot attack you.
9 disablegurneys allows player to resurrect in place
9 display_product_page Open a store product page on the client
9 doNotCompleteMission Do not let this mission be completed -- because it can be a pain to get there.
9 dooranimenter Find a nearby door and run the enter animation
9 dooranimenterarena Act like you are heading into the arena
9 dooranimexit Find a nearby door and run the exit animation
9 dooranimexitarena Act like you are emerging onto an arena map
9 dump_storyarcinfo USE ACC_ACCOUNTINFO FIRST! Make sure all orders have succeeded or failed! Test the csv printing code
9 editmessage Sends an edit message to the client (for output in scripts/macros)
9 editnpccostume Edit critter costume by costume def name.
9 editvillaincostume Edit critter costume by villain def name.
9 emailsystem Send message <system name> <subject> <body> <influence> <attachment> <delay>
9 enablecontrollog enable control log on a client for an amount of time.
9 encountercoverage Print what villains and what layouts this city zone has
9 encounterminautostart Add a minimum for the autostart time (for debugging autostart spawns)
9 encountermode Change the encounter mode to city/mission
9 encounterpanicthreshold Change the encounter spawn numbers (dangerous)
9 encounterprocessing Turn on or off all encounter processing
9 encounterreload Reload encounter spawn definitions
9 encounterreset Reset all random encounter spawn points, or a specific one
9 encounterstat Show how many encounters are running
9 encountertweak Change the encounter spawn numbers (dangerous)
9 ent_delete Deletes entity <entid> <charactername>
9 entdebuginfo bit flags for debug info display
9 enterbaseexplicit jump to the specified base/raid/apt map
9 entgenload blarg
9 entgenmsg print debug messages when generating entities
9 entsave save players, write mapname.txt, flush dbserver cache
9 experience Set player experience to the given number.
9 fakeauc_add_recipe Pump recipe on AuctionServer for fake seller: <item> <copies> <price> <ingredients>
9 fakeauc_add_salvage Pump salvage on AuctionServer for fake seller: <salvagename> <copies> <price>
9 fakeauc_add_set Pump set on AuctionServer for fake seller: <setbase> <minlvl> <maxlvl> <copies> <price>
9 fakeauc_purge Purge AuctionServer of all fake sales
9 famestringadd Add a string to your random fame table
9 famestringping See if a nearby npc will say your random fame string
9 fatalerror Call FatalErrorf(), for testing purposes.
9 fill_powerupslot Unlocks the skill system
9 flashback_left_reward_apply Tell the specified player to reward himself FlashbackLeft from the specified story arc.
9 flashbackteamrequiresvalidate Internal command. flashbackteamrequiresvalidate <db_id> <filename>
9 flashbackteamrequiresvalidateack Internal command. flashbackteamrequiresvalidateack <db_id> <result>
9 force_queue_for_events Force queue client for turnstile event, by internal event name.
9 forcelogout Debug Kick
9 freeze Freeze <player> <0/1> so he can't move
9 get_MARTY_status get MARTY for current map
9 get_zmq_status get status of CoH Metrics system's ZeroMQ socket
9 getcontactstoryarc get a specific storyarc, specify contact and storyarc filenames
9 getcontacttask get a specific task, specify contact and logical name
9 getdebugvar Get a debug var.
9 gethandle_relay Relay command to get a player's global chat handle
9 getstoryarc get a specific storyarc, specify the logical name (a suitable contact will be randomly selected)
9 getstoryarctask get a specific storyarc, specify the story arc and episode
9 gettask get a specific task, specify the logical name of task (a suitable contact will be randomly selected)
9 gettaskqa get a specific task, specify the logical name of task (a suitable contact will be randomly selected) (Identical to '/gettask')
9 glow_grant unlock glow
9 goingroguetipsreset Dismisses all tip contacts and resets all alignment point timers.
9 goto_id Goto a villain ID
9 goto_internal helper function for /goto
9 goto_marker Go to a named script marker
9 goto_stage Go to a particular stage in a zone event
9 gotoandselectcontact Teleport immediately to the contact position, across mapservers, then add the contact to your list and select it in the UI
9 gotospawn jump to specified door location on current map - POPUP ERROR MESSAGE
9 group_hide Set the gameplay visibility state for a named world group. 1 to hide the group; 0 to unhide
9 grpfindtest perform group find on all trays in the map
9 heapinfo dump some heap info to the server console
9 heaplog dump some heap info to log files
9 idle_exit_timeout shutdown the server if it is idle for this many minutes, 0 means there is no idle exit timeout
9 imebug test ime bug
9 incarnate_debugprint_get_equipped Prints what ability is equipped in the specified Incarnate slot. [slot name]
9 incarnate_debugprint_has_in_inventory Prints whether you have the specified Incarnate Ability or not. [slot name] [abil name] five minutes since that slot was last equipped. [slot name] [abil name] five minutes since that slot was last equipped. [slot name] [abil name] less than five minutes since that slot was last equipped. [slot name]
9 incarnate_debugprint_is_equipped Prints whether the specified Incarnate Ability is equipped or not. [slot name] [abil name]
9 incarnate_force_equip Equips the specified Incarnate Ability. Does nothing if you don't have it or its slot is locked. Ignores other restrictions on equipping IAs. [slot name] [abil name]
9 incarnate_force_unequip Unequips the specified Incarnate Ability. Does nothing if you don't have it or its slot is locked. Ignores other restrictions on equipping IAs. [slot name] [abil name]
9 incarnate_force_unequip_by_slot Unequips whatever ability is in the specified Incarnate slot. Does nothing if the slot is locked or empty. Ignores other restrictions on equipping IAs. [slot name] [abil name]
9 incarnate_grant Grants the given Incarnate Ability, but does not slot that ability. [slot name] [abil name]
9 incarnate_grant_all Grants all Incarnate Abilities, but does not slot any of them.
9 incarnate_grant_all_by_slot Grants all Incarnate Abilities that fit into the given slot, but does not slot any of those abilities. [slot name]
9 incarnate_revoke Revokes the given Incarnate Ability. [slot name] [abil name]
9 incarnate_revoke_all Revokes all Incarnate Abilities.
9 incarnate_revoke_all_by_slot Revokes all Incarnate Abilities that fit into the given slot. [slot name]
9 incarnateslot_activate Activates the named Incarnate slot if it is unlocked.
9 incarnateslot_activate_all Activates all Incarnate slots that aren't locked.
9 incarnateslot_deactivate Deactivates the named Incarnate slot.
9 incarnateslot_deactivate_all Deactivates all Incarnate slots.
9 incarnateslot_debugprint Outputs to chat whether the named Incarnate slot is locked or not.
9 incarnateslot_debugprint_all Outputs to chat whether all Incarnate slots are locked or not.
9 incarnateslot_reward_xp Rewards the player with Incarnate XP. [Type] [Count]
9 initmap Reinitialize the map
9 initmission Reinitializes the mission as if the player just entered.
9 inspirearena Give the player a standard set of arena inspirations.
9 inspirex Gives the player a random inspiration.
9 interpdatalevel level of extra interpolation data to send, higher is better.
9 interpdataprecision number of bits of precision in interp data (4-8).
9 invite_long Invite player to join team
9 isvip returns whether the player is currently a VIP.
9 league_accept_offer_relay Asks a player to add himself (player_id, team_id, invited_by, inviter_pvp)
9 league_accept_relay Inviter relay
9 league_kick_relay Asks player to kick himself (kicked_id, kicked_by)
9 league_map_relay Asks player to send map update
9 league_remove_accept_block Remove the league block
9 leagueinvite_long Invite player to join league
9 leagueWithdrawTeamRelay Withdraw your team from current league. Internal command version
9 leaveLeagueRelay Leave your current league.
9 levelingpact_exit Adds the given experience and updates the level time of a member of a leveling pact even if the pact has already been dissolved.
9 lock_doors Lock/unlock all doors
9 lsactivetoken list active player tokens for the player's team
9 lsphase list current phases seen by the player
9 lstoken list tokens for the player
9 makeleader_relay Change the team leader.
9 makepets Debug: makes the pets in your pet army
9 map_lstoken list tokens for the map
9 map_rmtoken remove the named token to the map
9 map_rwtoken reward the named token to the map
9 memorysizes Report current and peak working set and page file sizes in bytes.
9 mempooldebug turns on mempool debugging
9 missionaddtime Debugging, adds time to your current mission
9 missionchangeowner Internal command. missionchangeowner <owner_id> <task id> <task subid> <task cpos>
9 missionforceshutdown Internal command. missionforceshutdown <map_id> <owner_id> <task id> <task subid> <task cpos> <bPlayerCreated>
9 missionkickme ask the mission to kick you from map (debug)
9 missionkickplayerinternal Internal command. missionkickplayerinternal <db_id>
9 missionokshutdown Internal command. missionokshutdown
9 missionreattachinternal Internal command. missionreattachinternal <db_id> <map_id>
9 missionrequestshutdown Internal command. missionrequestshutdown <map_id> <owner_id> <task id> <task subid> <task cpos> <bPlayerCreated>
9 missionreseed Reseeds and initializes the mission as if the player just entered.
9 missionunkickme ask the mission to stop kicking you from map (debug)
9 missionx Assign yourself a random mission of a compatible status level. (Level 1-5 == Status Level 1, 6-10 == 2, etc)
9 missionxmap Assign yourself a random mission that requires transfer to an instance map. Also see 'missionx'.
9 named_teleport Go to a named location (map.spawn) or special place (eg. "Ouroboros").
9 net_profile Dumps statistics collected in net_profile.c
9 netfxdebugsvr blarg
9 netsteps set network update divisor. default is to send one net update every 8 server ticks. set to 1 to get 30 net updates/sec
9 new_feature_open Opens the New Feature on the client <featureId>
9 newScene new scene file
9 newspaperteamcompleteinternal Relays that a newspaper or broker task was completed
9 nextbadspawn Goes to next bad spawn point.
9 nextbadvolume Goes to next pair of intersecting material volumes.
9 nextdoor Cycle through doors on current map
9 nextmissiondoor Cycle through all mission doors on current map.
9 nextnpccluster go to next npc beacon cluster
9 nextseq go to next entity with the given sequencer name
9 no_melee_prediction Disables server-side melee-target backwards-in-time position prediction.
9 noai Disables AI, but not physics.
9 nodynamiccollisions disables placing dynamic collisions
9 noentcollisions disables entity-entity collisions
9 nofilechangecheck_server enables dynamic checking for file changes
9 nokick sets the noKick flag on player
9 nokillcars Disables killing of cars that have no beacons
9 noprocess Disables processing, but not AI.
9 nosharedmemory Disables shared memory
9 nx_server_PhysXDebug Connects server PhysX to physx visual debugger.
9 nxs_debug enables NovodeX debugging
9 nxs_deinit_world deletes NovodeX world geometry data
9 nxs_init_world creates NovodeX world geometry data
9 nxs_maxActorCount max total dynamic actors per instance
9 objectivecompleteinternal Internal command. objectivecompleteinternal <db_id> <task id> <task subid> <task cpos> <bPlayerCreated> <objective num> <success>
9 onmissionmap load the mapserver as if it were a mission map - for debugging
9 packageent Packages and saves the player into a local file so that the player can be that can be reloaded later.
9 pactmember_experience_get <internal> adds player's full xp to a pact
9 pactmember_inf_add Adds the given influence or infamy.
9 pause <0/1> pauses game logic on server
9 pcp1 Set Primary powerset first color.
9 pcp2 Set Primary powerset second color.
9 pcs1 Set Secondary powerset first color.
9 pcs2 Set Secondary powerset second color.
9 perfinfo_disable_ent_timers Disable all entity timers.
9 perfinfo_enable_ent_timer Enables timing an entity.
9 perfinfo_time_all_ents Enables timing all entities individually.
9 perfinfomaxstack_server Sets the depth of the performance monitor stack.
9 perfinfosetbreak_server Set a breakpoint on a particular auto timer.
9 playercount for testing entity generator code
9 playereval Run player eval
9 playermorph Changes a player into another common character. Specify the AT, Primary Power, Secondary Power, level.
9 playerrenamerelay Internal command. (player_id, new_name, admin_id, allow_reserved)
9 pnpcreload Reloads all persistent NPCs from beacons and script files
9 power_color_p1 Set Primary powerset first color.
9 power_color_p2 Set Primary powerset second color.
9 power_color_s1 Set Secondary powerset first color.
9 power_color_s2 Set Secondary powerset second color.
9 power_debugprint_disabled Prints whether the given power is disabled or enabled. [cat] [set] [pow]
9 power_disable Disables the given power. [cat] [set] [pow]
9 power_enable Enables the given power. [cat] [set] [pow]
9 powers_cancel_dev Cancel all effects of specified power from the character. ([ent id] [category.powerset.power])
9 powers_check Does a check on a player's powers and triesm to determine if they're sane. Suggest fixes if they aren't
9 powers_info Lists all powers and the level they were bought at.
9 powers_info_build Lists all powers and the level they were bought at.
9 powers_recalc Force all ents to recalc their power strengths
9 powers_revoke_dev Revoke specified power from the character. ([category] [power set] [power])
9 powers_show Lists all powers and the level they were bought at.
9 powers_show_build Lists all powers and the level they were bought at.
9 printcontrolqueue Print my control queue to the mapserver console.
9 printent blarg
9 processtimes Report current uptime, kernel time and user time in seconds.
9 promote_long internal promote command
9 pvp_active Sets your current PvP mode. (1 turns on, 0 turns off).
9 pvp_logging enable/disable pvp logging [on/off]
9 pvp_switch Sets your permanent PvP preference. (1 turns on, 0 turns off).
9 pvpmap flags this map as pvp enabled
9 quickLoadAnims dev mode don't preload anims
9 raoulcmd Raoul's personal command
9 recordcoll blarg
9 relay_architect_join send message to teammate to put him on the taskforce
9 relay_conprintf Relays conprintf commands
9 reloadaiconfig Reloads all AI config files.
9 reloadpriority Reloads all priority list files.
9 reloadSeqsSvr development mode only reload sequencers and animations
9 rescanbadvolume Rebuilds the list of overlapping volumes.
9 resetperfinfo_server Resets all performance info.
9 resetpredict Reset my prediction vars.
9 returnall if this is a mission map, return all players to static map and exit
9 returntobase return to your base from a raid
9 rewardbonustime Relays that the player has been granted bonus time for a task <db_id> <task id> <task subid> <bonustime>
9 rewarddebugtarget Aggregate rewards from killing the the current target X iterations
9 rewarddefapply Internal command. rewarddefapply <db_id> <reward_def_name> <villain group> <level> <source>
9 rewardinfo Print reward debugging info in server console window
9 rewardreload Reload reward definitions
9 rewardstory Internal command. rewardstory <db_id> <villain group> <level> <level adjust> <source> <storyarc> <reward_def_name>
9 rmtoken remove the named token from the player
9 rmtokenfromplayer remove the named token from the player with the specified db_id.
9 runperfinfo_server Runs performance info for this many ticks. Set to -1 to run forever.
9 rw_conceptdef <NAME> Give your entity a conceptdef with rolled values.
9 rw_conceptitem <NAME> <AMOUNT> <VAR0> <VAR1> <VAR2> <VAR3> Give your entity a conceptitem with given values.
9 rw_detailrecipe Give your entity one of the specified detailrecipe items, 1 if infinite
9 rw_invention_all give every salvage
9 rw_recipex give a bunch of recipes: testing only!!!
9 rwtoken reward the named token to the player
9 rwtokentoplayer reward the named token to the player with the specified db_id.
9 s_timedebug Get debug information on the timing offset ON THE MAP (debug)
9 s_timeoffset set the mapserver time offset with the format days:hours:minutes:seconds. If you want to set the offset to 2 hours, 3 minutes, you'd use s_timeoffset 0:2:3:0
9 s_timeoffsetsecs Seconds to offset the timing functions ON THE MAP from the real time (debug)
9 saccessviolation Cause the server to crash with an accessviolation
9 sadialog sends the client a test storyarc complete dialog
9 safe_player_count The count of players that causes the server to degrade itself.
9 scanlog scans the dbserver log cache for the given terms
9 scmdms Saves commands the need to be translated
9 scriptcombatlevel sets the exemplar/sidekick of everyone in the zone to this level + 1. Use 0 to unset.
9 scriptdefstart Syntax: <ScriptDefPath> Starts any non-Location type scriptDef on the targeted entity
9 scriptlocationprint Print a list of script locations on this map
9 scriptlocationsignal Sends a signal to a named script location
9 scriptlocationstart Starts a named script location
9 scriptlocationstop Stops a named script location
9 scriptluaexec Syntax: <ScriptId> <LuaString> Runs the given Lua string inside the specified script
9 scriptluastart Mission|Encounter|Entity)> <LuaPath> Starts a script running the given Lua file on the targeted entity
9 scriptluastring Mission|Encounter|Entity)> <LuaString> Starts a script running the given Lua string on the targeted entity
9 scriptsetvar turns on showing script vars to client
9 scriptstop stops the script
9 sendall Send message to all players logged in to chatserver
9 sendautotimers enable sending auto timers to your client
9 sendchat Send chat message across mapservers.
9 sendmsg test send message blah blah
9 sendpacket Sends a packet of X KB to the client
9 serve_floater serves a floater up to a given entity.
9 server_error_sent_count the count of errors sent to admin clients.
9 server_profile Save a profile of the current frame for up to the specified number of frames
9 server_profile_spikes Save profiles of any frame longer than the specified time in ms
9 server_profiling_memory Set the number of MB of memory to use for profiling
9 serverbreak blarg
9 set_combat_mod_shift Sets your CombatModShift to the specified value (0-6 is valid).
9 set_MARTY_status Enable/disable MARTY for entire shard
9 set_player_rename_token Set this player's rename token state: 1 on 0 off
9 set_zmq_connect_state set_zmq_connect_state <0 or 1> - 0: disconnects ZMQ socket, stopping logserver from sending log messages to CoH Metrics system, 1: connects ZMQ socket.
9 setdebugentitysvr set the entity id that various things use as a server debug entity
9 setdebugvar Set a debug var.
9 SetMARTYStatusRelay Enable/disable MARTY for server
9 setPowerDiminish enable/disable power diminishing [on/off]
9 settest1 Set server test variable 1
9 settest2 Set server test variable 2
9 settest3 Set server test variable 3
9 sg_accept_relay Asks a player to add themselves to supergroup (player_id, sg_id, inviter_id)
9 sg_alt_relay Joins a player to a supergroup if they are on the same account as the inviter (player_id, sg_id, sg_type, inviter_id, inviter_authid)
9 sg_initiate internal initiate command
9 sg_kick_relay Kick player from join supergroup
9 sg_taskcomplete Flags a player to let them know that their SG has completed an SG mission, regardless of which mapserver he/she is on
9 sg_updatemember Flags a supergroup member for an update, regardless of which mapserver he/she is on
9 sgcreate Create supergroup for development testing
9 sginvite_long Invite player to join supergroup
9 sgiop_grant <name> <duration> Debug: Grant player's SG Item of Power
9 sgiop_grant_new Debug: Instruct the Raid Server to Grant SG #X a New, Random Item of Power ( 0 == My SG )
9 sgiop_list Debug: Show list of player's SG Item of Power
9 sgiop_revoke Debug: Revoke player's SG Item of Power
9 sgiop_synch Debug: Instruct the SG #X To Synchronize its Items of Power with the Raidserver ( 0 == My SG )
9 sgiop_transfer Unused: Instruct the Raid Server to transfer Item of Power from Sg 1 to Sg 2
9 sgiop_update Unused: Instruct the Raid Server to tell this Super Group about all its Items of Power
9 sgIopGameState Instruct the Raid Server Set the Item of Power Game State on this shard. Restart, CloseCathedral, or End, plus DebugAllowRaidsAndTrials and NoDebug
9 sgraid_baseinfo Manually set raid size & mount availability, sgraid_baseinfo <raidsize> <openmount?>
9 sgraid_challenge Challenge the given supergroup to the next available time slot
9 sgraid_challenge_internal Challenge the given supergroup to the next available time slot
9 sgraid_length Set the time for the supergroup raid
9 sgraid_setvar Set any var on the raidserver
9 sgraid_size Set the time for the force field to respawn
9 sgraid_stat Look at what mapserver is getting for your raid stats
9 sgraid_warp Test warping to an attacker location in a supergroup base
9 sgrefreshrelay force given db_id to reload supergroup
9 sgreg Simulate click on the supergroup registar
9 sgrenamerelay Internal command (player_id, old_sg_name, new_sg_name, admin_id)
9 sgrp_badge_show Lists the badges owned by the player's supergroup.
9 sgrp_badgeaawardnotify_relay <badgename>
9 sgrp_badgestates set the stats for a supergroup. (used by statserver).
9 sgrp_base_prestige_fixed clear the base prestige fixed flag
9 sgrp_lstoken list tokens in the player's supergroup
9 sgrp_rmtoken remove the named token to the player's supergroup
9 sgrp_rwtoken reward the named token to the player's supergroup
9 sgrp_stat update supergroup stats sgrp_stat <stat name> amount
9 sgstatsrelay force given db_id to reload stats
9 shardjump move to shard <shard name>.
9 show_lua_all Show functions of all Lua Libraries
9 show_lua_lib Show functions of a specific Lua Library
9 showallcontacts Show all available contacts.
9 showcutscene Shows the cutscene on the current mission
9 showdoors Prints a list of all doors
9 showHiddenEntities blarg
9 showIopGame Show everything this server currently knows about the Item of POwer Game
9 showmissioncontact Shows the fake mission contact for all players (server-wide)
9 showmissiondoors Prints a list of all mission doors
9 showmissiondoortypes Prints a list of the mission door types available in this zone
9 showmycontacts Show all contacts the player has.
9 showpnpcs Prints all the persistent npcs on this map
9 showPowerDiminish display current state of power diminishing
9 showPowerTargetInfo Developer version of powers_buypower. Buys a power for the character. ([category] [power set] [power])
9 showstatesvr blarg
9 showtaskdoor Show all of the potential doors for a task.
9 showvisitlocations Prints all the visit locations on this map
9 silenceall <0/1> set to 1=global silence on, 0=normal
9 skyFade1 manually override sky fading values
9 skyFade2 manually override sky fading values
9 skyFadeWeight manually override sky fading values
9 slocale sets the server locale
9 smalloc count how much memory the server has malloc'd and print to a log file
9 smemchecknow does a server side _CrtMemCheck
9 smmonitor dump server memory usage
9 spacketdebug turns on packet debugging from client
9 spawn <CRITTER_NAME / NPC_NAME / SPAWN_BINDING_NAME> The command spawns a specific type or group of Critters or NPCs. Any of the names attached to an NPC block or a Critter block in N:/game/data/SpawnArea/Global.txt can be used in place of CRITTER_NAME or NPC_NAME.
9 spawnmissionnpcs Spawn <n> random NPC's who will run around scared. They can spawn from any encounter location
9 spawnmob <NO_OF_VILLAINS> <MIN_LEVEL> <MAX_LEVEL> This command spawns a mob of random villain critters. Only villains within the given level range will attempt to be spawned.
9 start_zone_event Load and start a zone event
9 startmission <MISSION_NAME> <MISSION_MAP_NAME> Assign and teleport to a specific mission and map. If '*' is given for map name, a default map will be selected.
9 startstoryarcmission <ARC_NAME> <EPISODE_NAME> <MAP_NAME> Assign and teleport to a specific arc mission and map. If '*' is given for map name, a default map will be selected.
9 stashtablememdumpserver Dumps the mem usage of the hash tables to the console
9 stats Shows a player's stats
9 stop_zone_event Stop a zone event
9 storyarcreload reloads story arc scripts (contacts, missions, tasks); affects everyone on server
9 storyinforeset Resets the player's StoryInfo structure
9 storytogglecontact Toggles between the two starting contacts for villains(Burke/Kalinda)
9 stringtablememdumpserver Dumps the mem usage of the string tables to the console
9 svr_fog_color Sets the fog on the server, overrides scene file
9 svr_fog_dist Sets the fog on the server, overrides scene file
9 svrsilentkick kick <player> without informing the game client
9 taskadvancecomplete Internal command. taskadvancecomplete <db_id>
9 taskcleartimer Clears the task timer.
9 taskcompleteinternal Internal command. taskcompleteinternal <db_id> <task id> <task subid> <task cpos> <bPlayerCreated> <success>
9 taskdetailpage Get detail on the given task
9 taskforcecreate create a basic task force (no contacts)
9 taskforcedestroy destroy your current task force
9 taskforcejoin Add yourself to player's task force
9 taskforcemode set your task force mode to x
9 taskgetall Resend all task status info.
9 taskselectvalidate Internal command. taskselectvalidate <db_id> <task id> <task subid> <task cpos> <bPlayerCreated>
9 taskselectvalidateack Internal command. taskselectvalidateack <db_id> <task id> <task subid> <task cpos> <bPlayerCreated> <valid> <response dbid>
9 taskstartnofailtimer Starts the task timer in no-fail mode. If timeout value is -1, starts counting up from now. Timeout is in seconds.
9 taskstarttimer taskstarttimer <owner_id> <task id> <task subid> <timeoutvalue in seconds>
9 taskteamcompleteinternal taskteamcompleteinternal <db_id> <task id> <task subid> <task cpos> <bPlayerCreated> <leveladjust> <level> <seed>
9 team_accept_offer_relay Asks a player to add himself (player_id, team_id, invited_by, inviter_pvp, addEvenIfNotLeader)
9 team_accept_relay Asks a player to add himself (player_id, team_id, invited_by, inviter_pvp)
9 team_kick_relay Asks player to kick himself (kicked_id, kicked_by)
9 team_map_relay Asks player to send map update
9 team_quit_relay Relays a team_quit_internal command
9 teamcreate 5 = teamup, 6 = supergroup
9 teamjoin 5 = teamup, 6 = supergroup
9 teamleave 5 = teamup, 6 = supergroup
9 teamlogdump Dump the team log to the debug window
9 teamlogecho Start echoing the team log to the server console
9 testgentypes Verify all referenced NPCs and Critters in the loaded SpawnArea defs are valid
9 testlogging Prints out a log message for each logging level
9 testmission Get a specific task & teleports to mission door, if possible. (Combines 'gettaskqa' and 'gotomission')
9 testnpcdta Test a guy in NPC.dta.
9 testnpcs <initial npc number> <spawn count> Test npcs + villains from NPC.dta
9 tf_quit_relay Relays a task force quit internal command - synonymous with team_quit_relay
9 time sets current time of day for this map
9 timesetall sets current time of day for all maps
9 timestepscale Runs simulation at this time scale.
9 trickortreat Set Trick-or-Treat mode
9 tss_xfer_back Tell the turnstileserver to shard visitor xfer the character back
9 tss_xfer_out Tell the turnstileserver to shard visitor xfer the character out
9 turnstile_debug_get_map_info Debug command to get the map info for local mapserver
9 turnstile_debug_set_map_info Debug command to set the map info for local mapserver
9 turnstile_invite_player_accept_relay Invite player to the leaders instance
9 turnstile_invite_player_relay Relay invite player to the leaders instance
9 turnstile_join_specific_mission_instance Player is joining a specific mission instance
9 turnstile_player_left_league Player has left league and the turnstile needs to know
9 tut_invite Invite player to the leaders instance
9 uniquetaskinfo Show info on all unique tasks
9 unlock_character Remove the slot lock on a character
9 unspamme Unbans and removes spam flags from this player
9 validatespawns Enables collecting of bad (embedded in stuff) spawn points from encounters.
9 viewattributes View the attributes of the player (while they are on same map)
9 villain_list Print a list of all the villains on map
9 weeklyTF_addToken Adds the token to the weekly TF token list
9 weeklyTF_db_updateTokenList DB relay command to update the weekly token list
9 weeklyTF_printAllToken Prints the list of all available weekly TF tokens
9 weeklyTF_removeToken Removes the token from the weekly TF token list
9 weeklyTF_setEpochTime Set the time when the epoch starts
9 wisdom Set player wisdom to the given number.
9 xpdebt Set player experience debt to the given number.
9 xpscale Scales the amount of XP awarded.
9 zone_event_kill_debug Toggle zone event debug info for kills
9 zone_event_set_karma_mod Override karma modifier value
10 acc_unlock USE ACC_ACCOUNTINFO FIRST! Make sure all orders have succeeded or failed! Remove account server lock, use with csroffline
10 account_certification_buy buys a <0=cert/1=voucher> <count> <description>
10 account_certification_delete hides certification from player (adds to delete count)
10 account_certification_delete_all removes all certification records from player inventory (for debugging)
10 account_certification_erase removes certification from player inventory (for debugging)
10 account_grant_charslot grants <int> more character slots for current account
10 account_loyalty_earned adds <amount> to earned loyalty points for current account
10 account_loyalty_refund refunds loyalty reward <name> for current account
10 account_loyalty_reset resets all loyalty rewards for current account
10 account_recover_unsaved Attempts force recovery of unsaved transactions.
10 add_all_contacts Adds all contacts to the player. Used for testing and debugging only
10 Architect_Token_Grant Grant a mission server token to the player
10 arena_player_stats Show arena stats (wins, losses, etc
10 authkick <NAME> <REASON> Kick an authname
10 autoenhance Place Standard enhancements in all slots
10 autoenhanceIO Try to place IO's in all slots
10 autoenhanceset Try to place Invention sets in all slots
10 backup_apply Apply selected backup, player must be off line
10 backup_apply_sg Apply selected backup, supergroup must be off line
10 backup_player Force a backup of a currently logged in player
10 backup_search Get list of backups available for a player
10 backup_search_sg Get list of backups available for a supergroup
10 backup_sg Force a backup of players supergroup
10 backup_view View indepth backup from current search
10 backup_view_sg View in depth backup text from current search
10 badge_add Gives the named badge to the player.
10 badge_grant Gives the named badge to the player.
10 badge_grant_bits set the badges owned by the player. a string of hex values: 0f13c....
10 badge_remove_all Removes all badges from the player.
10 badge_revoke_all Removes all badges from the player.
10 badge_show_all Lists all badges, with the badges owned by the player marked.
10 badge_show_bits show the badges owned by the player. a string of hex values: 0f13c....
10 badge_stat_add Adds the given value to the given basic badge stat for the player.
10 badge_stat_set Sets the given basic badge stat for the player.
10 badge_stat_show Show all of the basic stats tracked for badges for the player. Optional parameter shows stats with the given string in the stat name.
10 badges_show_all Lists all badges, with the badges owned by the player marked. (synonym for badge_show_all)
10 banchat ban <player> from general chat for <number of days>
10 base_save Saves the current base
10 boost Gives the player a specific enhancement.
10 boostset Gives the player the full set of enhancements.
10 bounce_mail_recv Allows GM to bounce a players gmails
10 bounce_mail_sent Allows GM to bounce a players gmails
10 cape_remove lock capes
10 chan_kill Shutdown a chat channel
10 chan_members_mode <CHANNEL NAME> <OPTIONS...> Changes permissions for all members of a channel.

Valid Options: -join kicks user from channel +send / -send gives/removes user ability to send messages to channel +operator / -operator gives/removes operator status from another user in the channel

10 check_costume_slots Prints out costume slot information
10 check_mail_pending Show pending gmails on this player.
10 check_mail_recv Allows GM to check a players gmails
10 check_mail_sent Allows GM to check a players gmails
10 completesgtask Complete the supergroup task
10 costume_add_slot Get another costume slot
10 costume_add_tailor gives the player a free tailor session
10 costume_add_tailor_per_slot gives the player a free tailor session for each owned costume slot
10 costume_free_tailor sets the player's free tailor sessions
10 costume_reset reset a players costume
10 costume_ultra_tailor Gives player tailor with ability to change gender/scale
10 costumepart_remove remove a reward costume part
10 cs_pactmember_inf_add Adds the given influence or infamy.
10 csr_long execute <command> as if you were <player> and had <access_level> (e.g. "csr_long 3 1234 Joe levelupxp 10")
10 dbflag_set set DbFlag <name> to <value>
10 debug print out basic player info
10 debug_detail print out detailed player info
10 debug_spec print out a player's specializations
10 debug_tray print out a player's tray contents
10 detail_grant Adds the given detail to character
10 detail_revoke Revokes the given detail from character
10 donottriggerspawns <0/1> 1: donottriggerspawns, 0: normal
10 encounteralwaysspawn Make all encounters go off instead of checking spawn probabilities (for testing)
10 encounterdebug Turns encounter debugging on or off
10 encounterignoregroups Causes the encounter system to ignore how encounters are grouped, -1 to return to default
10 encountermem Show memory usage for the encounter system
10 encounterneighborhoodlist List all encounters on map, broken down by neighborhood
10 encounterspawn Spawn a specific encounter group (manual spawning groups only)
10 ent_corrupted Shows if the entity if marked as corrupted.
10 ent_set_corrupted Sets the corrupted flag on an entity.
10 entityencounterspawn Respawn the encounter for specified entity id.
10 experience_add Adds the given experience.
10 failsgtask Fail your supergroup task
10 failtask fail the Xth task on your list
10 fixupstoryarcs clears any story arc episode issued tasks which have not been completed and are not in the player's tasklist
10 fx_expires When does the special costume FX expire in hours.
10 fx_special Set the character's special costume FX
10 global_remove_handle Removes the player from all global friends lists, ignore lists and channels.
10 glow_remove lock glow
10 gotoent go to an entity by id.
10 ignore_spammer_duration set how long auto-chatbanned players are silenced to [int] seconds
10 ignore_spammer_multiplier set the number of ignores generated by ignore_spammer to [int]
10 ignore_spammer_threshold set the number of ignores needed to auto-chatbanned someone to [int], 0 disables
10 influence Set player influence to the given number.
10 influence_add Adds the given influence.
10 inspire Gives the player a specific inspiration.
10 levelingpact_add Forcibly join two players in a leveling pact by name.
10 levelingpact_add_no_xp Forcibly join two players in a leveling pact by name.
10 levelingpact_info Set the total influence that a leveling pact shares.
10 levelingpact_set_experience Set the total experience that a leveling pact shares.
10 levelingpact_set_influence Set the total influence that a leveling pact shares.
10 levelingpactwho <LEVELING_PACT> get info on leveling pact
10 levelup_wisdom <LEVEL> Increases the character's wisdom level to the given level.
10 levelup_xp <LEVEL> Increases the character's level to the given level.
10 listen Receive all chat going to a user
10 mapcheckstats checks if the current randomly generated map meets the missions.spec reqs
10 mapstats_checkall Checks all maps against the missions.spec
10 missionmapstats print some stats about mission beacons on map
10 missionmapstatstofile Save the stats about mission beacons on the map to a file.
10 nextcar go to next car
10 nextnpc go to next npc
10 nextplayer go to next player
10 nextreset reset next counter
10 offline_character usage: <db_id> or <char name>. Force a character to go offline, as if their account were inactive
10 power_set_level <CAT> <SET> <POW> <LEVEL> Sets the level the given power was bought at to the given value.
10 powers_buypower <CATEGORY> <POWER_SET> <POWER> Buys a power for the character.
10 powers_buypower_dev <CATEGORY> <POWER_SET> <POWER> Developer version of powers_buypower. Buys a power for the character.
10 powers_set_level <CAT> <SET> <POW> <LEVEL> Sets the level the given power was bought at to the given value.
10 prestige Set player's supergroup prestige to the given number.
10 prestige_add Adds the given prestige to player's supergroup.
10 printMessageOnAlignmentMission Pop up a message box telling me about the alignment mission that I can't earn points for.
10 raidwho get info on <raid>
10 releaseplayer Frees controlled player character.
10 reputation Sets your reputation.
10 reputation_add Adds the given reputation.
10 respec_grant_counter increment available counter respecs by specified amount
10 respec_grant_token Modify and existing token
10 respec_remove take away free respec
10 respec_remove_counter decrement available counter respecs by specified amount
10 respec_remove_token Modify and existing token
10 reward Give your entity a reward for defeating a villain of the specified level
10 rm_recipe Remove recipe from your inventory
10 rw_costume_slot Give character an additional costume slot
10 rw_detail Give your entity one of the specified details
10 rw_recipe Give your entity one of the specified recipe items
10 rw_salvage Give your entity one of the specified salvage items
10 salvage_grant Adds the given salvage to character
10 salvage_revoke Revokes the given salvage from character
10 scapply Internal command. Give souvenir clue to db_id
10 scget Give the user the specified souvenir clue
10 scmdusage print usage of server commands containing <string>
10 scremove Remove the specified souvenir clue from user, for debugging only
10 sendMessageIfOnAlignmentMission Send a message to the specified db_id (tmp_int2) if I (tmp_int) am on an Alignment mission.
10 servermissioncontrol Request from the client for some info for Mission Control
10 serverwho <MAPSERVER_ID> get NPC/player counts for mapserver, use -1 to get total for all mapservers
10 sg_detail_grant Adds the given detail to the supergroup
10 sg_detail_revoke Revokes the given detail with given creation time from supergroup
10 sg_influence Set player's supergroup influence to the given number.
10 sg_influence_add Adds the given influence to player's supergroup.
10 sgleader find leader of a supergroup.
10 sgrankname Change rank #<int> name to <str>
10 sgrankprint Print rank information
10 sgrp_base_prestige_set set the amount of base prestige
10 silence_handle Silence a handle from all channel chat.
10 silenceall_channels Blocks everyone from channel chat
10 spawnmany <CRITTER_NAME / NPC_NAME / SPAWN_BINDING_NAME> <COUNT> The command spawns a number of a specific type or group of Critters or NPCs. Any of the names attached to an NPC block or a Critter block in N:/game/data/SpawnArea/Global.txt can be used in place of CRITTER_NAME or NPC_NAME.
10 spawnmanyvillains <VILLAIN_NAME> <COUNT> The command spawns a number of villains.
10 spawnobjective <MODEL_NAME> This command spawns an objective model as it would be seen in a mission.
10 storage_adj <ADJ_AMOUNT> <ITEM_NAME> <OPTIONAL:LEVEL> adjust the named salvage by N for the currently selected detail
10 storage_set <SET_AMOUNT> <ITEM_NAME> <OPTIONAL:LEVEL> set the named item to N for the currently selected detail
10 storyarcdetail more detailed information on your story arc
10 storyarcprint print information on your story arc
10 supergroupwho get info on <supergroup>
10 svrban ban <player> for <reason>
10 svrunban unban <player>
10 teamupwho get info on <teamup>
10 title_1 Set the character's first title
10 title_2 Set the character's second title
10 title_and_expires_special Set the character's special, free-form title and expiration duration
10 title_expires When does the special title expire in hours.
10 title_the Set the character's The setting
10 tmsg send <teamup id> a <message>
10 train Train command, 0 = power, 1 = skill
10 unsilenceall_channels Restores channel chat
10 validateContacts Validate all the contact data. Give error messages where appropriate.
10 validateMyContacts Validate all the contact data. Give error messages where appropriate.
10 wisdom_add Adds the given wisdom.
10 xpdebt_remove Removes the given experience debt.
11 badge_add_all Gives all badges to the player.
11 badge_grant_all Gives all badges to the player.
11 base_destroy LAST RESORT. Closes map and removes the base entirely.
11 dbquery there should be some more detailed docs for this command offline
11 emergencyshutdown Emergency shutdown command, attempts to save all current entities and shut down the map.
11 maxslots Get every slot possible
11 omnipotent Gives character all powers someone of their class can have.
11 temppower Gives the player a specific temp power.
11 temppower_revoke Removes specific temp power from a player.
11 temppowerx Gives the player a random temp power.