Servers.cfg Explained

From OuroDev

Inherent Settings

dual_player_slots = 12

backup_period = 30

logins_per_minute = 100

xpscale = 1.0

client_commands = { 0 }

map_server_params = { 0 }

eventhistory_cache_days = 30

MARTY_enabled = 0

blocked_map_keys = 0

disabled_zone_events = 0

locale_id = -1

isBetaShard = 0

isVIPServer = 0

ownsGR = 1

GRNagAndPurchase = 0

queue_server = 1

max_players = DEFAULT_MAX_PLAYERS = 100

name_lock_timeout = DEFAULT_NAME_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 1200

advertisedIp = 0

Configuration Options

DbServer <strcpy>

DbServer<N> <strcpy>

UseFakeAuth <atoi>

AuthServer <strcpy> <atoi>

LocalIp <strcpy>

SqlDbProvider <strcpy> (mssql, postgresql)

SqlDbName <strcpy>

SqlLogin <strcpy>

SqlInit <strcat>

SqlAllowDDL <atoi>

SqlAllowAllDDL <atoi>

SqlAddAttributes <atoi>

SqlAddColumnOrTable <atoi>

SqlDeleteColumnOrTable <atoi>

SqlRebuildTable <atoi>

SqlAlterColumn <atoi>

DefaultAccessLevel <atoi>

LogDir <strcpy>

AssertMode <strcpy> (Minidump, Fulldump, Exit, NoTimestamp, NoDate, Zip, Ignore)

MaxPlayers <atoi> (less than 8191)

LoginsPerMinute <atoi> (greater than 0)

MinPlayers <atoi>

UseQueueServer <atoi>

BlockFreePlayerssIfNoAccountServer <atoi>

EnqueueWithAuthLimiter <Atoi>

NoStats <atoi>

ClientProject <strcpy>

MapServerParams <strcpy>

DiffDebug <atoi>

ContainerSizeDebug <atoi>

UseLogServer <atoi> (implied if LogServer is set)

LogServer <strcpy>

LogRelayVerbose <atoi>

ChatServer <strcpy>

ShardName <strcpy>

ChangeDbOwnerFrom <strcpy>

MaxLevel <atoi>

MaxCoHLevel <atoi>

MaxCoVLevel <atoi>

MaxDualSlots <atoi> (1-12)

BackupDays <atoi> (less than or equal to 30)

OfflineProtectLevel <atoi>

OfflineIdleDays <atoi>

CompleteBrokenTasks <atoi>

DroppedPacketLogging <atoi>

AuthBadPacketReconnect <atoi>

BeaconMasterServer <strcpy>

MasterBeaconServer <strcpy>

DoNotLaunchBeaconMasterServer <strcpy>

DoNotLaunchMasterBeaconServer <strcpy>

BeaconRequestServerCount <atoi>

RequestBeaconServerCount <atoi>

DoNotPreloadCrashReportDLL <atoi>

BeaconRequestCacheDir <strncpy>

DoNotLaunchBeaconClients <atoi>

DoNotLaunchMapServerTSR <atoi>

DoNotLaunchMapServerTSRs <atoi>

RaidTimeZoneDelta <atof>

DisableContainerBackups <atoi>

XPScale <atof>

AuctionInvMaxLastLoginDays <atoi>

AuthnameLimiterEnabled <atoi>

AuthnameLimiterAccessLevel <atoi>

BlockedMapKey <strncpy>

DisabledZoneEvents <strcpy>

ClientCommands <strcpy>

MissionserverMaxSendQueueSize <atoi>

MissionserverMaxSendQueuePublishSize <atoi>

Locale <atoi>

Must be an index or shorthand language code. Possible values:

0/en: English
1/test: Test Locale
2/zh: Traditional Chinese
3/ko: Korean
4/ja: Japanese
5/de: German
6/fr: French
7/es: Spanish

OverrideAuthBit <TODO: authUserData.c authUserSetFieldByName>

IsBetaShard <atoi>

Appended to MapServerParams as -IsBetaShard

IsVIPShard <atoi>

OwnsGoingRogue <atoi>

GoingRogueNagAndPurchase <atoi>

KarmaEventHistoryDays <atoi>

NameLockTimeout <atoi> (> 600)

SetLogLevel <atoi>

IsLoggingMaster <atoi>

MARTYEnabled <atoi>

Appended to MapServerParams as -MARTY_enabled

DebugSendPlayersDelayMS <atoi>

DefaultLoyaltyPointsFakeAuth <atoi>

DefaultLoyaltyLegacyPointsFakeAuth <atoi>

ForceOverloadProtection <atoi>

OverloadProtection_LauncherHighWaterMarkPercent <atof>

OverloadProtection_LauncherLowWaterMarkPercent <atof>

OverloadProtection_SQLQueueHighWaterMark <atoi>

OverloadProtection_SQLQueueLowWaterMark <atoi>

MapserverIdleExit <atoi>

Appended to MapServerParams as -idleExitTimeout

MapserverIdleUpkeep <atoi>

Appended to MapServerParams as -idleUpkeep

MapserverDailyUpkeep <atoi> (start 0-24) <atoi> (end 0-24)

Appended to MapServerParams as -dailyUpkeep <start> <end>

SendDoorsToAllMaps <atoi>

MetricsEnable <atoi>

MetricsIPAddress <strcpy>

MetricsPortNumber <atoi>

MetricsMQType <atoi>

MetricsHighWaterMark <atoi>

AdvertisedIp <strcpy>