The Pin Board

From OuroDev
Revision as of 09:06, 31 May 2019 by BubbleWrap (talk | contribs)

This page is for things from our discord pins that have been removed but do not yet have a specific home on the wiki. All names have been removed and minor edits have been made

look at edit_cmd.h and edit_cmd.c its built right into the client uses a flag called /iamanartist

\tools\scripts\cataloging\Internal some sweet stuff in here

it parses the .villain .XXX files to html

  • cox stores files in piggs, which are big zips more or less.*,
    • The piggs contain .bins, which are binary compiled defs.**,
      • defs are the source script for the content - defs are text files that are a rich key-value type of store***,
        • bins are able to be extracted from piggs via a tool provided with the source****

Current Method of making Bins from Bubblewrap

BubbleWrapToday at 1:45 PM (updated 31/5/19 14:03 BW)
Directory Structure

C:\Game\BINS <- can call this folder anything, put the binaries, dlls etc here, everything except DATA and PIGGS
C:\Game\Data <-- put faptastic here
C:\Game\Data\tricks <-- put tricks then tricks-full here
C:\Game\Data\FX <-- put fx-part here
C:\Game\Tools <-- can be empty, its used as part of the data dir lookup, put Bears-Beets-BattlestarGalactica here if you have it I guess
C:\coh_data\dbidmaps <-- put dbidmaps here

You need OPT-DEBUG versions of both mapserver and client (release client can't -createbins)

Make sure you have no piggs or data dirs with anything in them, other than the files from faptastic

Delete these from data:

Extract all of your client piggs into c:\game\data

run mapserver -createbins -verbose 2

This should take a while and build a bunch of bin files in data\bin and data\server\bin

run cityofheroes.exe -console -createbins -project cov

I think this is my steps so far, if anyone wants to try and replicate it

Removed this, and replaced with extracting all piggs:

Extract the cubemaps: TexMisc.pigg >> texture_library/static_cubemaps/*
Put them in C:\Game\Data\texture_library\static_cubemaps
then delete all -ext textures (c:\Game\data\texture_library>del /s *ext.texture)
create a fake texture at texture_library/static_cubemaps/dummy_dynamic/dummy_dynamic_cubemap_face0.texture

If you want to rebuild just one bin, once you've done the above you can just delete that single bin and run mapserver with no commands. It will replace the missing bin automatically during loading.

I wrote a program called bincreateutil that parses the error logs from both programs to tell us what files we're still missing, and report a few other issues. Ouput from the latest run is here: _______________________________________________________________________

is a free website that will do CRC32 conversions which we need for pstrings

Scrapyarders G-Drive
Contains raw game assets