V2i1 Asset Data Modifications: Difference between revisions

From OuroDev
m (2 revisions imported: Importing Portal Corps Wiki pages and history - Feb 6, 2020)
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Latest revision as of 11:02, 6 February 2020

Riella's Summary

-The following powersets are no longer unpublished:

   -Savage Melee (SKU: CTPSSAME)
   -Radiation Melee (SKU: CTPSRAME)
   -Radiation Armor (SKU: CTPSRADE)

-Savage Melee: Updated powers.bin to make the Blood Frenzy mechanic function properly. -The following new emblems are available for use in costumes:

   -Project Ouroboros (Ourodev) logo
   -Portal Corps logo

-Fixed hero level 10-14 Flashback arcs incorrectly exemplaring players down to 5, resulting in being unable to pick up missions from the flashback contact. This fix should additionally restore these level 10-14 contacts to functionality in the open world -The pre-issue 21 new player contacts have been re-enabled on both hero and villain side. There are two caveats to this.

  • The level 1 mutant contact remains disabled. The original Atlas Park G.I.F.T. contact is now used as a SSA contact, so reenabling his missions will be more work.
  • Kalinda and Operative Burke have not had the locations of their "door missions" updated, so for now they still require you to go to the north end of Mercy Island, where villains used to start before the zone was overhauled in issue 21.

-Derek Brown, a non-Cryptic artist who created the Perplex, Lock, Razor, Arctic, and Dagger costume textures and gave them to Cryptic employee Jay Doherty to implement into the game, has now joined the ranks of Portal Corps and provided us with a number of additional costume textures! These are textures he made back in the Cryptic days that did not get implemented but which he's been holding onto for a decade or more! Add the SKU CTMDBRWN to enable the new Chisel, Trinket, Crosshair, Trident, Tech Shield, and Grid costume patterns, which you can preview in the imgur album linked below.


Changes brought to you by the following team. Thank you all for your support!

  • BubbleWrap
  • Chriskitsch
  • Derek Brown
  • Herald
  • Riella
  • Pazaz
  • Phaselight
  • Plutocracy
  • Riella
  • DragonSire

Installation Instructions

  1. Add the "-patchdir ouro" launch parameter to your manifest, and add/update the following files from the GeneratedPiggs folder to your manifest:
    • DBTextures.pigg
    • ouro_bin_v2i1.pigg
    • ouro_login_v2i1.pigg
    • ouro_emblems_v2i1.pigg
  2. Add ouro_bin_v2i1.pigg AND ouro_serverbin_v2i1.pigg to the server-side piggs folder.
  3. Back up and remove/rename any loose files in both data\bin and data\server\bin with the following filenames to prevent conflicts:
    • contacts.bin
    • costumes.bin
    • powers.bin
    • product_catalog.bin
  4. Make sure the SKU lines at the end of this document are on your default_sku.cfg to enable Radiation Melee, Radiation Armor, Savage Melee, and a number of unused costumes, as well as the new Derek Brown costume patterns.
  5. Run mapserver with the "-productionmode -templates" parameters to generate new files. Move those files from the output folder at C:\CoH_Data\attributes into the proper directories in the server's data folder.

Process for Creating Modified Files


Utilizard DragonAge's City of Heroes Toolkit to modify i24 powers.bin file to remove the accesslevel requirement that locked Blood Frenzy from applying to standard users.


Extracted contents of i24 contacts.bin back into various CONTACTS files, modified problematic contacts (Hero side located in /data/scripts.loc/contacts/Level2.5/ villians in /data/scripts.loc/V_contacts/mercyisland) by adjusting incorrectly set limits on min and max level limits:

CompletePlayerLevel 10 //can complete all tasks at this level or higher 
FailsafePlayerLevel 18 //must complete all tasks by this level 
MinPlayerLevel 10 //min level to start tasks 
MaxPlayerLevel 14 //max level to start tasks 

Additional modifications needed to be done on Hero Side (all in that folder) to correct for invalid Contact referrals:

Stature 25 //used to determine Friend contacts and was incorrectly set to 1

Additional modifications needed to be done on Villian Side to correct for invalid Contact referrals (Kalinda and Matthew Burke):

Flags  NoFriendIntroduction, issueoninteract 
//NoFriendIntroduction prevents them from referring another contact of the same Stature
//IssueOnInteract allows you to click them to start their tasks rather than be introduced

Was able to rebin using mapserver


Extracted contents of i24 contacts.bin back into product_catalog.def. Disabled Psionic Melee and Force of Will by adding an EndDate flag for a time that has already passed:

EndDate 525600 //time is number of seconds from Y2K 

Enabled Savage Melee, Radiation Melee, Radiation Defense by removing a StartDate flag:

StartDate 631180800 //time is number of seconds from Y2K so this is early 2020

Added Derek Brown's Textures to be locked behind a SKU:

	Title "Derek Brown's Textures" //String Name of the Item
	SKU CTMDBRWN //Must be 8 Characters
	InventoryType PlayerInventory //PlayerInventory holds costume unlocks
	InventoryCount 1 //You get 1 of this item when granted 
	GrantLimit 1 //You can only get this once 
	Global 1 //Your account can only get this once
	Recipe CTMDBRWN //Same as SKU

Was able to rebin using mapserver


Utilizard DragonAge's City of Heroes Toolkit to modify i24 clientmessages-en.bin. Removed all mention of original cityofheroes support website. Also added PStrings for OuroDev Emblem and Portal Corps Emblem.


Extracted contents of i24 costume.bin back into costume.def Manually added Oroboros Project and Portal Corps by duplicating and modifying all appearances of Alien_01 as Emblem:

	DisplayName P1838120000 //Replaced with PString value added in clientmessages-en.bin or can use string entry
	GeoName P1278564671 //Grouping (Symbols) 
	Geo Tight //This appears to change the effect and scale and exact placement of the texture. Also seen: Top, Jacket, Armored
	Tex1 base //keep as base 
	Tex2 !Emblem_V_Alien_01 //use the absolute texture name preceded by an exclamation point
	//Shields would also have another field that just had to be copied in here for FX:
	Fx WEAPONS/CustomShields/Round/Huge_Shields_Round1_Emblem.fx //changed depending on bodytype and shield in question

DBrown's Textures were added using includes in each section that gave the relevant path to another ctm file that would be pulled in during binning:

Include menu/costume/localized/dbrown/inc_patterns_chest.ctm //file name varies and repeats depending on the body type and part  

And an example of content of that file:

	DisplayName "Crosshair"
	Name "!chest_crosshair"
	Product ctmdbrwn

Following Bubble's instructions on this wiki, renamed and combined with dumped superherocolors.def and tailorcost.def. Was able to rebin using mapserver.