Volume 2 Build

From OuroDev
Revision as of 11:54, 8 June 2019 by Asuffield (talk | contribs)

Required Software

Install GitHub Desktop and Acquire Source

You need to download and install GitHub Desktop.
Open GitHub Desktop, Select File, and Clone a Repository.
Select the URL tab, enter "https://git.ourodev.com/CoX/Source.git" into the first blank and a path where to store the source locally such as "C:\GitHub\CoX\Source".
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After the download finishes you can close GitHub Desktop for now.

Build City of Heroes from Source

Start a powershell prompt as administrator
Enter "Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope LocalMachine" into the terminal and type "A" to auto accept all.
Open a command prompt that is set up for your version of visual studio:
If you have Visual Studio 2019 installed, then start a developer command prompt for Visual Studio (check the start menu).
If you only have 2010 installed, then run cmd, and in the command prompt run C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\bin\vcvars32.bat.
From this command prompt, run: powershell
Naviate to "C:\GitHub\CoX\Source\MasterSolution" and run build.ps1
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Begin building City of Heroes by running ".\build.ps1"
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Eventually the build will finish(On average takes at least 40 minutes to build)
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Now build AuthServer(C:\GitHub\CoX\Source\AuthServer\src\AuthServer\AuthServer.sln)
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