Volume 2 Server Setup

From OuroDev

Required Software

  • Ouroboros Volume 2 Binaries. For this guide, we will assume that you are installing them into C:\Ouroboros. You can either:
    • Download a released version of Volume 2 (not yet available)
    • Follow Volume 2 Build to compile it from source, then copy the contents of the bin directory to c:\Ouroboros
  • Database schema definitions. For now, get them from https://git.ourodev.com/CoX/Source/src/tag/v2-i1.0.0/Assets/DBSchemas
  • SQL Server 2012 or later (Express is good enough for development)

Install SQL Server 2017 Express

You can install SQL Server pretty much on the default settings.
Select Basic under installation type:
Agree to the EULA if you want to use SQL Server.
Tell the server where to install files. I changed this for ease on my system.
It should begin installing and eventually you should see "Install has completed successfully". Click close.

Install SQL Server Management(SSMS)

You can install SQL Server Management on default settings.
Select the location you'd like to install SSMS to. The default is fine.
It will take awhile to install and you'll see a little progress bar letting you know whats going on
Eventually it will ask you to reboot the system. Might as well as do that now.

Setup Server Files

Create a directory in C:\Ouroboros called data.
Open ServerData.7z and extract all files into C:\Ouroboros\data (the newly created directory).
Open CoHDev_Source_Files_Current(Updated).zip.
Extract "i24 Server and Client Piggs (extracted with CoHTools)" into C:\Ouroboros\data.
Copy maps.db from "map.db (modified, working on current VS2010 build)" and place it in C:\Ouroboros\data\server\db, overwriting the old maps.db
Copy the piggs folder from your i24 client directory and place them in C:\Ouroboros\. You should end up with C:\Ouroboros\piggs\ populated.
Create a directory in your C: drive called "CoH_Data" and another directory inside that, called "attributes" (C:\CoH_Data\attributes).
Run this in a command prompt:
cd Source\bin
.\mapserver.exe -productionmode -templates
Copy all files from C:\CoH_Data\attributes and place them into C:\Ouroboros\data\server\db\templates.
Open C:\Ouroboros\DBSchemas and execute all the .sql files in the directory. You may need to change the file path -- anywhere works. Drop old database references before if there are any.

Server Configuration

Navigate to C:\Ouroboros\data\server\db
Open up auction_server.cfg(I25_auction_server.cfg), account_server.cfg(I25_account_server.cfg), chat_server.cfg(I25_chat_server.cfg), and servers.cfg(I25_Server.cfg).
You can change the password to whatever you would like. For this example I will be just using "YOURL33TPASS!".
You will see something like this.
 SqlLogin "DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=NS319069\SCORE;Uid=sa;Pwd=FinallyFree!;"
Change this to
 SqlLogin "DRIVER={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};Server=localhost\SQLEXPRESS;Uid=sa;Pwd=YOURL33TPASS!;"
While you have servers.cfg and auction_server.cfg open. Change all the ips to
Extract the dbschema.rar found in C:\Ouroboros\dbschema.rar.
Open up SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS which you installed in the first step). Hit Connect on the screen that pops up to and connect with windows authentication.
We need to enable the sa login so that server can login to the database.
If you look to the left panel you will see the object explorer and your connection. Right click it and select properties.
When this window comes up hit Security to the left and enable "sql server and windows authentication". Then click ok.
In the same panel you used before navigate to Security -> Logins then right click and enter properties the sa user.
In this window set the password to the same password you set back at step 4
Choose Status from the left panel in this same window and set login to enabled and hit ok.
Right click the connection in the object explorer again and click Restart.
Click File, Select Open, navigate back to C:\Ouroboros, open the dbschema folder, and select cohauc.sql in SQL Server Management Studio.
You will see these 2 lines at the top of the file opened
  •  ( NAME = N'cohauc', FILENAME = N'C:\mssql\MSSQL11.SCORE\MSSQL\DATA\cohauc.mdf' , SIZE = 157440KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )
  •  ( NAME = N'cohauc_log', FILENAME = N'C:\mssql\MSSQL11.SCORE\MSSQL\DATA\cohauc_log.ldf' , SIZE = 353216KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 10%)
What you want to do is set the first part of these directory listings to where your SQL Server is located for example, I set my to D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL because that is where my SQL Server is. So my would become:
Error creating thumbnail: File missing
  •  ( NAME = N'cohauc', FILENAME = N'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\cohauc.mdf' , SIZE = 157440KB , MAXSIZE = UNLIMITED, FILEGROWTH = 1024KB )
  •  ( NAME = N'cohauc_log', FILENAME = N'D:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL14.SQLEXPRESS\MSSQL\DATA\cohauc_log.ldf' , SIZE = 353216KB , MAXSIZE = 2048GB , FILEGROWTH = 10%)
Once done click the Execute button. And do this again for both the cohauth and cohchat.
Open up ODBC Data Sources (32-bit).
  • Type 'ODBC' in Windows search, or run directly from C:\Windows\SysWOW64\odbcad32.exe
  • Do NOT use 64-bit!
  • Click File DSN then click add to the right.
  • Choose ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server. Click Next.
  • Enter AuthDB into the box and hit next then finish.
  • It will then say something like ‘Which SQL Server would you like to connect to?’
    • Type localhost\SQLEXPRESS and hit next.
  • Choose with SQL Auth enter sa into username and the password you use previously.
  • Tick choose change default database to and select cohauth and hit next.
  • After this hit finish then ‘Test Data source’ this will test the auth database connection to your main database if it successful congrats :D

Port Forwards

TCP Ports
Port 11228
UDP Ports
Ports 18717 through 18917

Setup Internet Facing Server

Patching the DBServer allows it to return the correct IP address for MapServers to the client.
dbserver.exe needs to be patched to read its external IP from a config file, a patched version can be downloaded from here or from the following magnet link
dbserver nat fix.zip
dbserver.exe [MD5] c66842d15bc94f6b6b2a282331c01e3f   |   dbserver.exe [SHA1] 9ba7c9774de2f75cd72efb604c44c3a86cbd24eb
From SQL Sever Manager Studio(SSMS) run the query below.
 INSERT INTO cohauth.dbo.server (id, name, ip, inner_ip, ageLimit, pk_flag, server_group_id) VALUES (1, 'ShardName', 'Public IP', '', 0, 0, 1);
Replace the existing dbserver.exe with the patched one and add the RouteIp line to servers.cfg with your server's public IP.

Setup TurnstileServer

Making the changes below will put your server into "production" mode. This will require things like mission_server.cfg to be created.
  • This can be avoided by deleting texts.pigg from the server's piggs\ directory
First make sure your turnstile_server.cfg is correct. Below you'll find an example.
Example turnstile_server.cfg
 DbServer LAN WAN 7000 ShardName ShardID ShardAuthID
 DbServer 7000 Paragon 1 1
Example mission_server.cfg
 Shard Paragon 1
Next copy the "piggs" folder from your client to the server directory(C:\CoH\piggs)
At this point you should be able to run turnstileserver.exe.
As I mentioned earlier in the guide you'll likely run into new issues with these changes. Like needing mission_server.cfg, -noreserved on chatserver, and a few other minor edits.
Putting the server into production mode will also change the version to 2400.201208211101.1. Your clients will need to update their connect parameter.
-patchdir score -patchversion 2400.201208211101.1 -auth VMIPGOESHERE -console

Setup QueueServer

Queueserver may cause client disconnects and crashes on server selection, these issues are being looked into.
Add the following line as a new Server in I25 loadBalanceShardSpecific.cfg, where LANIP is the local network IP of the dbserver
Command "queueserver.exe -db LANIP"
Additionally, add or change the following lines in I25 Servers.cfg, where MaxPlayers is the number of logged in accounts you want to allow
UseQueueServer 1
MaxPlayers 100
Finally, WaitingUserLimit in etc\config.txt controls the maximum number of players to allow into the queue
WaitingUserLimit = 100

Launch Server

Start DBServer.exe and then Launcher.exe. This can be done simply by double clicking on them.
You could also use a .bat file to start everything up and in the correct order.
The below is an example bat file to launch the DBServer, Launcher, and finally the Client.
@echo off
echo Starting DB Server
START c:\Ouroboros\dbserver.exe
echo Starting Launcher Server
START c:\Ouroboros\launcher.exe
echo Starting Chat Server
START c:\Ouroboros\ChatServer.exe -noreserved
echo Everything should be launched! Go enjoy CoH.