Map Editing

From OuroDev

Map Editing Notes

The in-game map editor can be accessed by admins (precise required access level to be confirmed) by the slash commands "/canedit 1" followed by "/edit 1"

Some known controls are as follows:

  • Camera panning is middle mouse.
  • Camera rotation is right mouse.
  • Camera zoom is Space+mouse.
  • Tab changes work axis.
  • E and R both seem to exit the map editor, will have to find the difference between them.
  • W toggles menus.
  • Select an existing object to move with X.
  • Select an object and press C to duplicate it .
  • Confirm a moved/spawned object with V. Failure to do this will result in the object being deleted as soon as it's deselected.
  • Mouse wheel seems to scroll through group hierarchies of objects.
  • Group objects with G
  • Ungroup with U.
  • S toggles snapping
  • N and M toggle grid size.
  • Right click opens context menu.

I have yet to figure out how to save changes on a map in a permanent manner. I've made some very rudimentary maps, but without a means to save them, there's not really a point.

Example (by Darwinasm)

NOTE: This example is for making changes in Dark Astoria, however as long as you know the map you are editing the procedure is the same. This tutorial also assumes you have a separate environment for binning.

Backup your server before you make changes!

For this tutorial, set your character's access level to 11.

The map editor is really finicky, be patient.

  1. Make sure the directory data/maps exists on your server
  2. Edit the map you want to edit by running /canedit 1 and /edit 1 when on the map
  3. Place persistant NPC spawnpoint and anchor it with control + v
  4. Save changes with F7
  5. Press "e" to exit the map editor
  6. Copy the contents of the map folder from data/maps/City_Zones/Coop_06_01 on your server to your binning setup in maps/CityZones/Coop_06_01
  7. From the cmd line /data directory - Run "mapserver_debug.exe -createbins -verbose 2"
  8. From the cmd line /data directory - Run "ouroboros_debug.exe -console -createbins -verbose 2 -project cov"
  9. This copies all generated bins to the server
  10. Using piglet, extract "mapsMisc.pigg" into the data folder on your server
  11. Copy bin/data/geobin/maps/COOP_06_01/Coop_0601.bin file from the binning server to the server data/geobins/maps/City_Zones/COOP_06_01
  12. Open Piglet and create a new "mapsMisc.pigg" saving over the existing file in the piggs folder // Directory Structure from the server /data/geobin
  13. Push piggs to client // Ensure when you create the piggs you have the originals backed up before you overwrite them in the piggs folder