Open GitHub Desktop, Select File, and Clone a Repository.
Select the URL tab, enter "" into the first blank and a path where to store the source locally such as "C:\GitHub\CoX\Source".
Now build AuthServer(C:\GitHub\CoX\Source\AuthServer\src\AuthServer\AuthServer.sln)
Setup Server Files
Create a directory in C:\GitHub\CoX\Source\bin called data.
Open ServerData.7z and extract all files into Source\bin\data (the newly created directory).
Open CoHDev_Source_Files_Current(Updated).zip.
Extract "i24 Server and Client Piggs (extracted with CoHTools)" into Source\bin\data.
Copy maps.db from "map.db (modified, working on current VS2010 build)" and place it in Source\bin\data\server\db, overwriting the old maps.db
Copy the piggs folder from your i24 client directory and place them in Source\bin\. You should end up with Source\bin\piggs\ populated.
Create a directory in your C: drive called "CoH_Data" and another directory inside that, called "attributes" (C:\CoH_Data\attributes).
Run this in a command prompt:
cd Source\bin
.\mapserver.exe -productionmode -templates
Copy all files from C:\CoH_Data\attributes and place them into Source\bin\data\server\db\templates.
Open Source\DBSchemas and execute all the .sql files in the directory. You may need to change the file path -- anywhere works. Drop old database references before if there are any.
Start DBServer.exe and then Launcher.exe. This can be done simply by double clicking on them.
Once these are both fully booted use your new shortcut to connect to the local server.
You could also use a .bat file to start everything up and in the correct order.
The below is an example bat file to launch the DBServer, Launcher, and finally the Client.
@echo off
echo Starting DB Server
START C:\GitHub\CoX\Source\bin\dbserver.exe
echo Starting Launcher Server
START C:\GitHub\CoX\Source\bin\launcher.exe
echo Starting Chat Server
START C:\GitHub\CoX\Source\bin\ChatServer.exe -noreserved
echo Waiting for user input to start City of Heroes. Hit SPACE to continue.
pauseecho Starting City of Heroes Client
START C:\GitHub\CoX\Source\bin\CityOfHeroes.exe -db -console -project "Ouroboros"echo Everything should be launched! Go enjoy COH.
After the client starts up you'll be presented with a Login and Password screen. As auth is currently turned off you can enter anything you want in both.
There should only be one server listed. Go ahead and pick it then make a new character to test with!