I25 Multiple Server Setup
From OuroDev
Setup Multiple Servers
- This is going to be a very basic guide on how to cluster the servers together. Some of the actions I take in the guide are not required but will produce a better server environment.
- This guide also assumes you've completed a normal server setup already. If not head over to I25 Server Setup to get started.
- First I separated MS SQL Server onto its own machine. I did this for stability reasons and organization.
- Next update all of your CFG files to point at the Central SQL Server.
- While updating CFG files also update the IP addresses inside. Any entries need to be changed to the machines IP.
- Then update your database to ensure it isn't using
UPDATE cohauth.dbo.server SET inner_ip = 'MACHINELANIP' WHERE ID = 1;
- Now copy your C:\CoH from the primary server(CoH-SERVER) to your secondary server(CoH-MAPSrv01).
- Update your CFG files so they have the correct LAN ip address.
- On CoH-SERVER change how you are launching launcher.exe. It will now need to start with a different paramenter.
START C:\coh\bin\dbserver.exe -startall -zonelaunchers 2
- At this point everything should be ready to start up!
- Fire up Launcher.exe on CoH-MAPSrvr01
- CoH-SERVER's launcher should automatically start all of its required applications as well if you have configured in load balance files.
- The launcher should start starting maps on both servers. Give it a few minutes as there is a lot to start up.