Salvage List
From OuroDev
This is a copy of work done by /u/kreenga on reddit [1]
NOTE: This list is focused on i25/SCoRE. There should be significant overlap between this list and what is available for Volume 2 servers.
/salvage_grant _____ ___ EX: '/salvage_grant S_Gold 5'
(*Issue 13*) Means that in Issue 13 it was patched so that these items would convert into 'Brain Storm Idea Salvage'
- S_Mysticelement (Mystic Element)
- S_Mysticfoci (Mystic Foci)
- S_Arcaneessence (Arcane Essence)
- S_Arcaneglyph (Arcane Glyph)
- S_Magicalartifact (Magical Artifact)
- S_Magicalward (Magical Ward)
- S_Techmaterial (Tech Material)
- S_Techpower (Tech Power)
- S_Techhardware (Tech Hardware)
- S_Techprototype (Tech Prototype)
- S_Experimentaltech (Experimental Tech)
- S_Techsoftware (Tech Software)
Base Magic Salvage
- S_Amulet (Amulet) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Ancientweapon (Ancient Weapon) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Arcanepowder (Arcane Powder) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Astrologybook (Astrology Book) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Bracer (Bracer) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Brokenmask (Broken Mask) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Charms (Charm) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Claw (Claw) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Coins (Coins) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Crystalcodexfragments (Crystal Codex Fragments) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Crystalskull (Crystal Skull) (*Issue 13*)
- S_DaemonHeart (Demon Heart)
- S_Demonlogica (Demonlogica)
- S_Dreadtramalian (Dread Tramalian)
- S_Ectoplasm (Ectoplasm)
- S_Ectoplasmicresidue (Ectoplasmic Residue)
- S_Elementalmanual (Elemental Manual)
- S_Etherium (Etherium)
- S_Fetish (Fetish)
- S_PumpkinShard (Fir Bolg Hand)
- S_FirBolgStraw (Fir Bolg Straw)
- S_Ghosttrinket (Ghost Trinket)
- S_Glittershrooms (Glittershrooms)
- S_Hex (Hex)
- S_Magma (Magma)
- S_Necklaceofteeth (Necklace of Teeth)
- S_Orichalcum (Orichalcum)
- S_Phantomtears (Phantom Tears)
- S_Potions (Potion)
- S_Pumice (Pumice)
- S_Pumpkinbomb (Pumpkin Bomb)
- S_Redcappouch (Red Cap Pouch)
- S_Ring (Ring)
- S_Saber (Saber)
- S_Scentofbrimstone (Scent of Brimstone)
- S_Scrolls (Scrolls) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Sigil (Sigil)
- S_Spark (Spark)
- S_Spellsofpower (Spells of Power)
- S_SpielmansSignet (Spielman's Signet)
- S_Spiritguide (Spirit Guide)
- S_Staticcharge (Static Charge)
- S_Talisman (Talisman)
- S_Tatoo (Tattoo)
- S_Thornfragment (Thorn Fragment)
- S_Tsooink (Tsoo Ink)
- S_Furs (Tuatha Furs)
- S_Urmetal (Ur-Metal)
- S_Verminousvictuals (Verminous Victuals)
- S_Weaponofmu (Weapon of Mu)
- S_Witchshat (Witch's Hat)
Base Mutant Salvage
- S_Abberanttech (Abberant Tech) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Arachnoidblood (Arachnoid Blood) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Arachnoidvenom (Arachnoid Venom) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Bloodsample (Blood Sample) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Carapace (Carapace) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Psionizedmetal (Clockwork Fragment) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Psionicreceptacle (Clockwork Plate) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Coralaxblood (Coralax Hybrid Blood) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Coralshard (Coral Shard) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Devouringculture (Devouring Culture) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Fishscale (Fish Scale) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Mutatedsample (Mutated Sample) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Nanofluid (Nano Fluid) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Neoorganics (Neo Organics) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Slagculture (Slag Culture) (*Issue 13*)
Base Natural Salvage
- S_Blackmarketsupergear (Black Market Super Gear)
- S_Bodyarmorfragment (Body Armor Fragment)
- S_Ceramiccompound (Ceramic Compound)
- S_Ciafiles (CIA Files)
- S_Datafiles (Data Files)
- S_Exoticcompound (Exotic Compound)
- S_Lens (Lens)
- S_Ludditepouch (Luddite Pouch)
- S_Militaryintelligence (Military Intelligence)
- S_Paragonpolicefiles (Paragon Police Files)
- S_Snakefang (Snake Fang)
- S_Snakevenom (Snake Venom)
- S_Toolsofthetrade (Tools of the Trade)
Base Science Salvage
- S_Alientech (Alien Tech) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Biosample (Bio Sample) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Dangerouschemicals (Dangerous Chemicals) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Dnamutation (DNA Mutation) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Hamidonlichen (Hamidon Lichen) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Hamidonspore (Hamidon Spore) (*Issue 13*)
- S_GeneticSample (Hydra DNA Sample) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Innovativecode (Innovative Code) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Nanites (Nanites) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Portaltech (Portal Tech) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Prototypeelement_mm (Prototype Element)
- S_Rikticontrolunit (Rikti Control Unit) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Riktidatapad (Rikti Data Pad) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Stableprotonium (Stable Protonium) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Superadineextract (Superadine Extract) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Syntheticdrug (Synthetic Drug) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Treatise (Treatise) (*Issue 13*)
Base Tech Salvage
- S_Accessbypass_mm (Access Bypass)
- S_Aeontech (Aeon Tech) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Arachnosgun (Arachnos Gun) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Armorshard (Armor Shard) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Blackbox (Black Box) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Blastertech (Blaster Tech) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Brokencreypistol (Broken Crey Pistol) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Brokencreyrifle (Broken Crey Rifle) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Brokenriktiweapon (Broken Rikti Weapon) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Communicationdevice (Communication Device) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Cortexdevice (Cortex Device) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Creytech (Crey Tech) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Cyberneticcharger (Cybernetic Charger) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Cyberneticimplant (Cybernetic Implant) (*Issue 13*)
- S_EChip (EChip) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Energysource (Energy Source) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Exoticalloy (Exotic Alloy) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Freakshowcybernetics (Freakshow Cybernetics) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Goldplatedskin (Golden Skin) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Graphitecomposite (Graphite Composite) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Levdisk (Lev Disk) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Mercurycircuits (Mercury Circuits) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Nemesisweapon (Nemesis Weapon) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Nictusammo (Nictus Ammo) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Nictusmemento (Nictus Memento) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Nictustech (Nictus Tech) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Poweredarmorcircuitry (Powered Armor Circuitry) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Riktiarmorfragment (Rikti Armor Fragment) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Rikticommunicationsdevice (Rikti Communications Device) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Riktiplasmarifle (Rikti Plasma Rifle) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Skyraiderantigravunit (Sky Raider Anti Grav Unit) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Skyraiderdevice (Sky Raider Device) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Skyraiderweapon (Sky Raider Weapon) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Spidereye (Spider Eye) (*Issue 13*)
- S_BabbageEngine (Steam Powered Engine) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Steamtechimplant (Steam Tech Implant) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Titanium (Titanium) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Trickarrows (Trick Arrows) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Unstableradpistol (Unstable Rad Pistol) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Vacuumcircuits (Vacuum Circuits) (*Issue 13*)
- S_Backalleybrawlergloves_h2006 (Back Alley Brawler Halloween Gloves)
- S_Hamidoncostume_h2006 (Hamidon Halloween Costume)
- S_LordReclusemask_h2006 (Lord Recluse Halloween Helmet)
- S_Statesmanmask_h2006 (Statesman Halloween Mask)
- S_Candycane (Candy Cane)
Incarnate Components
- S_Ancientnictusfragment (Ancient Nictus Fragment)
- S_Ancienttexts (Ancient Texts)
- S_Arcanecantrip (Arcane Cantrip)
- S_Biomorphicgoo (Biomorphic Goo)
- S_Cytoliticinfusion (Cytolitic Infusion)
- S_Detailedreports (Detailed Reports)
- S_Dimensionalkeystone (Dimensional Keystone)
- S_Dimensionalpocket (Dimensional Pocket)
- S_Dropofthewell (Drop of the Well)
- S_Enchantedsand (Enchanted Sand)
- S_Essenceoftheincarnate (Essence of the Incarnate)
- S_Exoticisotope (Exotic Isotope)
- S_Favorofthewell (Favor of the Well)
- S_Forbiddentechnique (Forbidden Technique)
- S_Genomicanalysis (Genomic Analysis)
- S_Gluoncompound (Gluon Compound)
- S_Graimatter (Gr'ai Matter)
- S_Hero1dnasample (Hero 1 DNA Sample)
- S_Incarnateinfusednictus (Incarnate Infused Nictus)
- S_Incarnateshard (Incarnate Shard)
- S_Incarnatethread (Incarnate Thread)
- S_Infinitetessellation (Infinite Tessellation)
- S_Livingrelic (Living Relic)
- S_Meditationtechniques (Meditation Techniques)
- S_Nanotechgrowthmedium (Nanotech Growth Medium)
- S_Noticeofthewell (Notice of the Well)
- S_Penumbraofrularuu (Penumbra of Rularuu)
- S_Selfevolvingalloy (Self Evolving Alloy)
- S_Semiconsciousenergy (Semi-Conscious Energy)
- S_Superchargedcapacitor (Supercharged Capacitor)
- S_Superconductivemembrane (Superconductive Membrane)
- S_Thaumicresonator (Thaumic Resonator)
- S_Vanguarddnametamatrix (Vanguard DNA Metamatrix)
- S_Wornspellbook (Worn Spellbook)
Invention Salvage
- [Android Armor Plate - Uncommon Invention Salvage] (*Doesn't appear to exist*)
- [Android Blaster - Common Invention Salvage] (*Doesn't appear to exist*)
- [Android Circuitry - Common Invention Salvage] (*Doesn't appear to exist*)
- [Brain Lichen - Common Invention Salvage] (*Doesn't appear to exist*)
- [Plague Spores - Uncommon Invention Salvage] (*Doesn't appear to exist*)
- [Primordial Moss - Common Invention Salvage] (*Doesn't appear to exist*)
- [Progenitor Lichen - Rare Invention Salvage] (*Doesn't appear to exist*)
- [Undamaged Android Brain - Rare Invention Salvage] (*Doesn't appear to exist*)
- S_Alchemicalgold (Alchemical Gold)
- S_Alchemicalsilver (Alchemical Silver)
- S_Alienbloodsample (Alien Blood Sample)
- S_Ancientartifact (Ancient Artifact)
- S_Ancientbone (Ancient Bone)
- S_Blackbloodoftheearth (Black Blood of the Earth)
- S_Bleedingstone (Bleeding Stone)
- S_Bloodoftheincarnate (Blood of the Incarnate)
- S_Boresight (Boresight)
- S_Brass (Brass)
- S_Carnivalofshadowsmask (Carnival of Shadows Mask)
- S_Ceramicarmorplate (Ceramic Armor Plate)
- S_Chaostheorem (Chaos Theorem)
- S_Chemicalformula (Chemical Formula)
- S_Chronalskip (Chronal Skip)
- S_Circuitboard (Circuit Board)
- S_Clockworkgear (Clockwork Gear)
- S_Clockworkwinder (Clockwork Winder)
- S_Commercialcybernetic (Commercial Cybernetic)
- S_Complex Chemical Formula (Complex Chemical Formula)
- S_Computervirus (Computer Virus)
- S_Conspiratorialevidence (Conspiratorial Evidence)
- S_Corrosivegas (Corrosive Gas)
- S_Daemonprogram (Daemon Program)
- S_Datadrive (Data Drive)
- S_Deificweapon (Deific Weapon)
- S_Demonicbloodsample (Demonic Blood Sample)
- S_Demonicthreatreport (Demonic Threat Report)
- S_Destiny (Destiny)
- S_Diamond (Diamond)
- S_Empoweredsigil (Empowered Sigil)
- S_Enchantedimpervium (Enchanted Impervium)
- S_Energyweapon (Energy Weapon)
- S_Enrichedplutonium (Enriched Plutonium)
- S_Enchantedweapon (Enchanted Weapon) (Ensorcelled Weapon?)
- S_Essenceofthefuries (Essence of the Furies)
- S_Fortune (Fortune)
- S_Gold (Gold)
- S_Hamidongoo (Hamidon Goo)
- S_Headsupdisplay (Heads Up Display)
- S_Heavywater (Heavy Water)
- S_Holographicmemory (Holographic Memory)
- S_Humanbloodsample (Human Blood Sample)
- S_Hydraulicpiston (Hydraulic Piston)
- S_Impervium (Impervium)
- S_Improvisedcybernetic (Improvised Cybernetic)
- S_Inanimatecarbonrod (Inanimate Carbon Rod)
- S_Inertgas (Inert Gas)
- S_Iron (Iron)
- S_Kineticweapon (Kinetic Weapon)
- S_Lamentbox (Lament Box)
- S_Livingtattoo (Living Tattoo)
- S_Luckcharm (Luck Charm)
- S_Magicalconspiracy (Magical Conspiracy)
- S_Masterworkweapon (Masterwork Weapon)
- S_Mathematicproof (Mathematic Proof)
- S_Militarycybernetic (Military Cybernetic)
- S_Muvestment (Mu Vestment)
- S_Mutantbloodsample (Mutant Blood Sample)
- S_Mutantdnastrand (Mutant DNA Strand)
- S_Mutatinggenome (Mutating Genome)
- S_Nevermeltingice (Nevermelting Ice)
- S_Pagefromthemalleusmundi (Page from the Malleus Mundi)
- S_Pangeansoil (Pangean Soil)
- S_Photonicweapon (Photonic Weapon)
- S_Plasmacapacitor (Plasma Capacitor)
- S_Platinum (Platinum)
- S_Pneumaticpiston (Pneumatic Piston)
- S_Polycarbon (Polycarbon)
- S_Positronicmatrix (Positronic Matrix)
- S_Prophecy (Prophecy)
- S_Psionicectoplasm (Psionic Ectoplasm)
- S_Psionicmanfestation (Psionic Manifestation)
- S_Psionicthreatreport (Psionic Threat Report)
- S_PsioniclyChargedBrass (Psionically Charged Brass)
- S_Reactivegas (Reactive Gas)
- S_Regeneratingflesh (Regenerating Flesh)
- S_Riktialloy (Rikti Alloy)
- S_Ruby (Ruby)
- S_Rune (Rune)
- S_Runeboundarmor (Runebound Armor)
- S_Sapphire (Sapphire)
- S_Scientificlaw (Scientific Law)
- S_Scientifictheory (Scientific Theory)
- S_Scope (Scope)
- S_Silver (Silver)
- S_Simplechemical (Simple Chemical)
- S_Soultrappedgem (Soul Trapped Gem)
- S_Soulboundarmor (Soulbound Armor)
- S_Sourcecode (Source Code)
- S_Spellink (Spell Ink)
- S_Spellscroll (Spell Scroll)
- S_Spiritthorn (Spirit Thorn)
- S_Spiritualessence (Spiritual Essence)
- S_Stabilizedmutantgenome (Stabilized Mutant Genome)
- S_Steel (Steel)
- S_Strandoffate (Strand of Fate)
- S_Symbioticarmor (Symbiotic Armor)
- S_Symbol (Symbol)
- S_Syntheticintelligenceunit (Synthetic Intelligence Unit)
- S_Temporalanalyzer (Temporal Analyzer)
- S_Temporalsands (Temporal Sands)
- S_Temporaltracer (Temporal Tracer)
- S_Thorntreevine (Thorn Tree Vine)
- S_Titaniumshard (Titanium Shard)
- S_Unearthedrelic (Unearthed Relic)
- S_Unquenchableflame (Unquenchable Flame)
- S_Volumeoftheobsidianlibrum (Volume of the Obsidian Librum)
Special Salvage
- S_Accessbypass_mm (Access Bypass)
- S_Meritreward (Reward Merit)
- S_Heromerit (Hero Merit)
- S_Villainmerit (Villain Merit)
- S_Endgamemerit01 (Astral Merit)
- S_Endgamemerit02 (Empyrean Merit)
- S_Endgamemerit03 (Celestial Merit)
- S_Endgamemerit04 (Cosmic Merit)
- S_Endgamemerit05 (Transcendent Merit)
- S_Vanguardmerit (Vanguard Merit)
- S_Brainstormidea (Brain Storm Idea)
- S_Enhancementbooster (Enhancement Booster)
- S_Enhancementcatalyst (Enhancement Catalyst)
- S_Enhancementconverter (Enhancement Converter)
- S_Enhancementunslotter (Enhancement Unslotter)
- S_FortuneToken (Enhancement Converter)
- S_Hvsuperpacksalvage (Super Pack: Heroes and Villains)
- S_Uhvsuperpacksalvage (Ultimate Super Pack: Heroes and Villains)
- S_Rvsuperpacksalvage (Super Pack: Rogues and Vigilantes)
- S_Winterpacksalvage (Super Pack: Lords of Winter)
- S_Inventiondiscountcoupon (Invention Discount Coupon)
- S_Tailordiscountcoupon (Tailor Discount Coupon)
- S_Auctiondiscountcoupon (Auction Discount Coupon)
- S_Architectticket (Mission Architect Ticket)
- S_Prototypeelement_mm (Prototype Element)
- S_Timerreset (Timer Reset)
- S_Timerreset_wst (Weekly Strike Target Reset)
- S_Timerreset_am (Alignment Mission Reset)
- S_Timerreset_emp (Empryean Reset)
- S_Timerreset_ssa (Signature Story Arc Reset)
Unused Salvage
- S_Ancestralweapon (Ancestral Weapon)
- S_Bonefragment (Bone Fragment)
- S_Falakamulet (Fa'Lak Amulet)
- S_Headset (Headset)
- S_Meatcleaver (Meat Cleaver)
- S_Rylehsrain (R'yleh's Rain)
- S_Shivanectoplasm (Shivan Ectoplasm)
- S_Syntheticorgans (Synthetic Organs)
- S_Bookofblood (Book Of Blood)
- S_Cloak (Cloak)
- S_Daemonicchain (Demonic Chain)
- S_Dagger (Dagger)
- S_Ebonclaw (Ebon Claw)
- S_Hatchet (Hatchet)
- S_Hellishtooth (Hellish Tooth)
- S_Iceshard (Ice Shard)
- S_Kheldianbloodsample (Kheldian Blood Sample)
- S_Kheldiantech (Kheldian Tech)
- S_Nemesisstaff (Nemesis Staff)
- S_Spells (Spellbook)
- S_Notes (Vahzilok Notes)
- S_Pelt (Wolf Pelt)
- S_Saintsmedallion (Saint's Medallion)
- S_Scrap (Freakshow Scrap)
- S_Shillelagh (Shillelagh)
- S_Tissuesample (Tissue Sample)