Servers.cfg Explained

From OuroDev

Inherent Settings

dual_player_slots = 12

backup_period = 30

logins_per_minute = 100

xpscale = 1.0

client_commands = { 0 }

map_server_params = { 0 }

eventhistory_cache_days = 30

MARTY_enabled = 0

blocked_map_keys = 0

disabled_zone_events = 0

locale_id = -1

isBetaShard = 0

isVIPServer = 0

ownsGR = 1

GRNagAndPurchase = 0

queue_server = 1

max_players = DEFAULT_MAX_PLAYERS = 100

name_lock_timeout = DEFAULT_NAME_LOCK_TIMEOUT = 1200

advertisedIp = 0

Configuration Options

DbServer <strcpy>

DbServer<N> <strcpy>

UseFakeAuth <atoi>

AuthServer <strcpy> <atoi>

LocalIp <strcpy>

SqlDbProvider <strcpy>

Supported values:

mssql: Microsoft SQL Server.
postgresql: Experimental (and incomplete) PostgreSQL support.

SqlDbName <strcpy>

SqlLogin <strcpy>

SqlInit <strcat>

SqlAllowDDL <atoi>

SqlAllowAllDDL <atoi>

Alias of SqlAllowDDL

SqlAddAttributes <atoi>

Allow the SqlAddAttributes DDL command.

SqlAddColumnOrTable <atoi>

Allow the SqlAddColumnOrTable DDL command.

SqlDeleteColumnOrTable <atoi>

Allow the SqlDeleteColumnOrTable DDL command.

SqlRebuildTable <atoi>

Allow the SqlRebuildTable DDL command. This has the same effect as setting SqlAllowDDL.

SqlAlterColumn <atoi>

Allow the SqlAlterColumn DDL command.

DefaultAccessLevel <atoi>

LogDir <strcpy>

AssertMode <strcpy>

Set the behavior of assertion failures. Multiple modes can be specified if the argument is wrapped in quotes. Possible modes are:


Create minidumps (.mdmp) on failure.


Create full dumps (.dmp) on failure.


Exit on failure.


Don't name dump files with timestamps.


Same as NoTimestamp.


Zip the dump files.


Enable the ignore button on assertions.

MaxPlayers <atoi>

The maximum number of players that can be connected at any time. The maximum value is AUTH_SIZE_MAX (8191)

LoginsPerMinute <atoi> (greater than 0)

MinPlayers <atoi>

UseQueueServer <atoi>

BlockFreePlayerssIfNoAccountServer <atoi>

EnqueueWithAuthLimiter <Atoi>

NoStats <atoi>

ClientProject <strcpy>

MapServerParams <strcpy>

DiffDebug <atoi>

ContainerSizeDebug <atoi>

UseLogServer <atoi> (implied if LogServer is set)

LogServer <strcpy>

LogRelayVerbose <atoi>

ChatServer <strcpy>

ShardName <strcpy>

ChangeDbOwnerFrom <strcpy>

MaxLevel <atoi>

MaxCoHLevel <atoi>

MaxCoVLevel <atoi>

MaxDualSlots <atoi> (1-12)

BackupDays <atoi> (less than or equal to 30)

OfflineProtectLevel <atoi>

OfflineIdleDays <atoi>

CompleteBrokenTasks <atoi>

DroppedPacketLogging <atoi>

Log when packets are dropped or received out of order.

AuthBadPacketReconnect <atoi>

BeaconMasterServer <strcpy>

Hostname for beaconserver.

MasterBeaconServer <strcpy>

Alias of BeaconMasterServer.

DoNotLaunchBeaconMasterServer <strcpy>

Don't launch beaconserver.

DoNotLaunchMasterBeaconServer <strcpy>

Alias of DoNotLaunchBeaconMasterServer.

BeaconRequestServerCount <atoi>

Number of beaconrequestservers to launch. Negative values correspond to 2. Default is -1.

RequestBeaconServerCount <atoi>

Alias of BeaconRequestServerCount.

DoNotPreloadCrashReportDLL <atoi>

BeaconRequestCacheDir <strncpy>

DoNotLaunchBeaconClients <atoi>

DoNotLaunchMapServerTSR <atoi>

DoNotLaunchMapServerTSRs <atoi>

RaidTimeZoneDelta <atof>

DisableContainerBackups <atoi>

Disable on-disk container backups.

XPScale <atof>

Experience multiplier.

AuctionInvMaxLastLoginDays <atoi>

Auction entries for accounts that have not logged in in this many days are not sent. Default is 60.

AuthnameLimiterEnabled <atoi>

AuthnameLimiterAccessLevel <atoi>

BlockedMapKey <strncpy>

A comma delimited list of map keys to not load.

DisabledZoneEvents <strcpy>

A comma delimited list of disabled zone events.

ClientCommands <strcpy>

MissionserverMaxSendQueueSize <atoi>

The maximum amount of bytes allowed in the send queue to the missionserver. Default is DB_MISSIONSERVER_MAX_SENDQUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT (1000000).

MissionserverMaxSendQueuePublishSize <atoi>

The maximum amount of bytes allowed in the publish queue to the missionserver. Default is DB_MISSIONSERVER_MAX_SENDQUEUE_SIZE_DEFAULT (500000).

Locale <atoi>

Must be an index or shorthand language code. Possible values:

0/en: English
1/test: Test Locale
2/zh: Traditional Chinese
3/ko: Korean
4/ja: Japanese
5/de: German
6/fr: French
7/es: Spanish

OverrideAuthBit <TODO: authUserData.c authUserSetFieldByName>

IsBetaShard <atoi>

On beta shards, users can use the broken mission fix every 10 minutes, rather than every 3 days. Appended to MapServerParams as -IsBetaShard.

IsVIPShard <atoi>

Whether or not this shard is a VIP shard. Only accounts marked as VIP can log into this shard.

OwnsGoingRogue <atoi>

GoingRogueNagAndPurchase <atoi>

Show the nag dialogs and buy button for Going Rogue.

KarmaEventHistoryDays <atoi>

How many days of past karma event history to read on load. Default is 30.

NameLockTimeout <atoi> (> 600)

SetLogLevel <atoi>

IsLoggingMaster <atoi>

If truthy, this server will propagate the configured loglevels to all of the connected servers.

MARTYEnabled <atoi>

Enable/disable the MARTY anti-cheat. Appended to MapServerParams as -MARTY_enabled

DebugSendPlayersDelayMS <atoi>

When sending the list of characters to a client, delay the SQL query by this many milliseconds.

DefaultLoyaltyPointsFakeAuth <atoi>

DefaultLoyaltyLegacyPointsFakeAuth <atoi>

ForceOverloadProtection <atoi>

Forces overload protection to be enabled.

OverloadProtection_LauncherHighWaterMarkPercent <atof>

Launcher upper bound for overload protection. When the percentage of launchers that cannot launch a server rises above this percentage, engage overload protection.

OverloadProtection_LauncherLowWaterMarkPercent <atof>

Launcher lower bound for overload protection. When the percentage of launchers that cannot launch a server drops below this percentage, disengage overload protection.

OverloadProtection_SQLQueueHighWaterMark <atoi>

SQL upper bound for overload protection. When the size of the SQL queue grows larger than this, engage overload protection.

OverloadProtection_SQLQueueLowWaterMark <atoi>

SQL lower bound for overload protection. When the size of the SQL queue drops below this, disengage overload protection.

MapserverIdleExit <atoi>

Shut down mapservers if they are idle for this many minutes. Default is 0 (idle shutdown is disabled). Keep in mind that maps without Transient in their maps.db entry will never shut down, even after being idle. Appended to MapServerParams as -idleExitTimeout

MapserverIdleUpkeep <atoi>

Number of minutes a mapserver must be idle before performing idle maintenance. Idle maintenance will attempt to minimize the memory footprint of the mapserver by compacting the working set. Default is 20 minutes. Appended to MapServerParams as -idleUpkeep

MapserverDailyUpkeep <atoi> (start 0-24) <atoi> (end 0-24)

Specify an hour range (24-hour clock) for when to perform daily maintenance on static mapservers. Daily maintenance is disabled by default. Appended to MapServerParams as -dailyUpkeep <start> <end>

SendDoorsToAllMaps <atoi>

Whether door updates should be sent to all mapservers. This is a legacy behavior; by default, updates are only sent to static maps and supergroup bases, and not mission maps, raid maps and arena maps.

MetricsEnable <atoi>

Enable ZeroMQ metrics. Disabled by default.

MetricsIPAddress <strcpy>

IP address for the ZeroMQ instance.

MetricsPortNumber <atoi>

Port for the ZeroMQ instance.

MetricsMQType <atoi>

This is "the socket type of the metrics system's ZeroMQ connection."

MetricsHighWaterMark <atoi>

The high water mark of the ZeroMQ connection.

AdvertisedIp <strcpy>