XLS to Data: 1.4 Creating A New Archetype
The two needed commands for this will be:
- xlstopowdef.bat
- XLStoClassDef.bat
For this example we will be creating a new epic AT using:
- C:\game\data\Defs\classes\src\classes.xls
- C:\game\data\Defs\powers\src\Epic_Powers.xls XLS sheets.
To start, we will be using the Arachnos Soldier as our base. Using what ever program you have, copy the chosen tab into a new page renaming it.
I have created a new tab and called it Rocketman the important things to change here before moving on to the powers are all located at the top in blue We need to change everything with the Arachnos_Soldier name to not overwrite things from the Arachnos Soldier. Do note that classes.xls is an extremely large file and can cause some calculation programs to crash. Libra office seems to struggle with this file as well as Apache Open Office.
When creating a new AT at the minimum you need to create two Separate powers for our Rocketman AT We will make a copy of the Arachnos soldiers powers.
Once that is done we need to rename it to the two powers we set in the Classes.xls, in this case Rocketman_Rockets and Rocketman_Blastshield, On the power sheet itself the names once again need to be renamed. Before running the Perl script you do need to change the power set name so that it does not overwrite the previous set.
Now that is all done you just need to run xlstopowdef.bat as above you would then pull the power files that are saved. Targeting in this case epic_powers.xls and running XLStoClassDef.bat targeting classes.xls.
Once you run those two scripts a number of files will have been created related to your new AT. The AT will also be added to one of three files depending on what you set the AT as. Either class.def V_classes.def Villian_classes.def.